Monday, July 12, 2010


Syukur Alhamdulillah, I got the MOFAT job :D

8 months of waiting. But its been a good 8 months. I just hope this will be the right job for me, the correct career path to choose and for me to pursue my personal goal (nda bleh gtau :P).

Anyway last night I went for a little Kent gathering at Reza's place. It was really nice to catch up with everyone. Later that night we plan to stay awake for the final world cup match of Spain vs Netherlands and tarus tidur arah si Rez. I had an hr sleep before the match then the guys woke me up. I think i only stayed up till the 15th min...and woke back up again after they announce Spain is WC 2010 winner. So much for watching-the-finals-is-a-must. Yg pacahnya, after i fell asleep, atiq join the club and shortly before half-time Reza went parai. Shauqi slept just min after 2nd half started so basically no one watched the full match lol. Lalah bnr~~

It was a good thing i had my sleep cos earlier today i had to go to the hospital for my medical check up. Mum promise to accompany me so i texted her what time should i meet her at the hospital. She didn't reply. Then i called her but no answer so I thought she must be in a meeting. I decided to go back to my house. Once i arrived i found out my mum was still in her room and tau2 apanah? TIDUR. I woke her up, "Bu, its 8.45am" Tarus eh masuk jamban mandi. Then I found out my little brother was also still asleep. Mum was like "bangunkn tu ia ah, skulah ja akher udah". Au nda tekarang akher. Panya liat World Cup. But drg lagi steady, liat smpai abis :P

So I went for my medical check up. Went for the eye test and obviously there's the generally used Ishihara colour-blindness test. Thats where they pull out the special book and theres a circle filled with numerous coloured cirlces and i have to guess the number inside. I only able to answer the first page.

Then theres a new thing they introduced. I have to connect point A to point B by passing thru the circles and the doctor ask me to show the path. This was damn hard. Just before I left i did ask the doctor what exactly was the answer but he said he can't tell. I shall forever not know whats the answer to that special Ishihara book :P emo.

Btw took this yesterday. I always miss this sunset everytime i go to UK msa zaman blajar, wessseehhh.

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