Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hello No.2~

Yesterday I attended a friend's wedding, although i didn't want initially due to my stomach ache problem. I got food poisoning the night before. Yet my parents insist on me going to the wedding so i went and luckily we were placed inside the house. No problem for emergency toilet situations.

I thought i would go safe without no.2 breaking out...but i was wrong. It happened and while i was doing my business somebody knocked. I replied 'ada org'. Then she ask "siapa tu?" and i knew these people don't know me so i was like "". Yet in these situations, walaupun ur the tuan rumah, you will always respect for who is inside, right? Unless your bladder is about to burst maybe you could be excused. So yeah, i got the msg that someone wants to use the toilet. I finish as quickly as i can yet this lady kept on knocking AS IF she didn't hear my reply. Then when i was about to go out she knocked kuat2, i opened the door and she said to me "Nah ada jua org, lain kli sahut..." Dlm atingku nyahut kli ku udh dangg ndakan ku i left her with a sarcastic smile.

Thought that was done and over but no~~ stomach has to go for a 2nd round. Similar to the first situation, someone kept on knocking. I learn't my lesson so i replied loudly and emphasizing "ADA ORG" ...there was a pause...then suddenly i heard the lady from outside was like "eh tkunci kli pintu jmban ani, aga ambil kunci jamban". Shit i was panic like crazy. I don't want to go through a whole awkward session at my friend's wedding! Talk about free show. So i finished up, and got behind the door, where i knew i'll be safe. If somebody tries to open it i just slam the door to his/her face. Au bnr nda be aman. Got out of the toilet and i went straight home. Sng lagi ku beurusan di rumah.

Btw just got COD Modern Warfare 2, AWESOME!!


Ani said...


Al-Zachary Erdawan said...

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHA!!! thats so funny!!! - Zach