Friday, February 13, 2009

Loving what we eat

Thanks to Ali, Apis, Daus and Syai for coming over. Had an awesome weekend with them especially msa main bula. Si apis steady and sori pis housemate ku bukan omputih:P And sori daus nda smpat balikn eshkrem BenNJerrys lol. n Li, bali tia acai juice di Holland n Barrets ah.

This was yesterday. Thought i have a go with pastry. Check some websites for the recipe. I modified it a lil bit tho. Intinya Sausage and Mushroom + cream of chicken with a bit of tarragon for flavour. Sedap~~

N yes i love cooking. Trying out different recipes is a treat for my taste buds. So far i can cook chinese, italian and some western delicacies. Not really into malay food or any other recipes that involve spices. I'm more into herbs. Owh and a new addiction is trying out different varieties of milkshakes. The best so far was my snickers milkshake hehehe. But thats as far as i go. I can't bake :( i'm really bad with measuring quantity and i don't have delicate hands. Found out when i tried to help my mum once making her 'kek roll'. Initially the kek roll has to be flatten while its in it's semi-liquid form, into the oven and then you roll it. Mine wasn't flat, instead it looks like a heavenly sweet grand canyon for ants. I really envy for those who knows how to bake. Thats why i ask Lydz to learn some baking skills :P

Azrul taught me how to cook Kolo Mee and i tried it the other day. I didn't succeed in my first attempt. Kali dua baruth. It was quite simple to be honest. Its just the matter of having the right ingredients especially the noodles. I used wonton noodles which didn't go with the sauce (ihsan did the same mistake too). Tapi ada jualah rsa2nya atu and im satisfied with it :)

Nawir taught me how to make Nasi Ayam. Pip, secret ingredientnya sesame oil! Add more to yours! hehehehe and for best result, masak dlm pot instead of rice cooker.

I think i should make a list who makes the best what heheheheh so here it goes

Mee Jawa and TomYam -Lydz
Carbonara- Suki
ButterMilk Chicken- Chip n Jul
Nasi Ayam- Nawir
Satay and KuahKacang- Kasdi @ jack
Tiramisu- Nadz
Cocktail Desert- Reza
Tuna Spaghetti- Fadz
Bannofee Pie- Tony
Mackerel masak Kicap- Apip (2nd year you cook for society function)
Nasi Goreng- Wani
FudgeBrownie- Connie :P
Mee Goreng Mamak- Syahmi
Mee Goreng Daging- Jirin
Ayam Kari- Melo
Blueberry Cheesecake- Mizah Manaf
Sambal Ikan Pusu- Arfah
Burger in BBQ sauce- Nisa (masak malas- fast and delicious)
Popia- Bazil
Lasagna- Rey
Sushi- Yasmin
Bake Cornflakes & BlackPepper Beef- Along
Prepare the best Shisha- Wafi

Also i would like to mention about the growing interest and popularity of preparing cupcakes among Bruneians. I've tried a several variations from different bakerys. Most of em are overrated and i shall not mention who they are. Yet none match the Cookie Girl. For those of you who are studying in the UK, you guys are lucky enough to taste Cookie Girl's cupcakes. She has this fancy stall in Portobello Market. It all started when friends of mine recommended to try Hummingbird cupcakes if i go to Portobello market. I asked for directions and who else to ask but a competitor (the Cookie girl but then i thought she was a random lady). She said to me ' I bet you that my cupcakes are better than those of Hummingbirds.'
At first i thought maybe its just a gimmick for her to sell her cupcakes but she looks like a really nice lady and shes sweet too. So i bought one, ate it and it was heavenly delicious. Texture wise and sweetness is all balance. Tried hummingbirds and it was truly overrated. Hantap manisnya.
I only knew the Cookie Girl was famous after i read reviews from a newspaper a couple days later. Apprently celebrities like Orlando Bloom and Russell Brand also buys from her. Highly recommended :-3 Also try Ben's Cookies in Convent Garden, theres a unique texture in their cookies that makes it special.

Lastly Happy Birthday to my cute shawty Abil! Shes the shortest among the three sisters but the brightest so far in Maths, kn bil? I'll get u sumthin, don't worry, and its not food and I HOPE you will not lose it:P and take good care of our room. Love n miss you Bil!

5 more days :D


Mohammad Khair Al-Hazirin said...

hahaha Kash, when you said kau kenyamanan Mee Goreng ku, banar-banar tah ku pikir kau saja kan menyamankan hati ku! Hahaha

Kash said...

Kuang asam hahaha aku ikhlas kli ah, ko nganya nda bagi resipi hahahaha