Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My awesome weekend

It has been great since Lydz arrive. Sorry for the lack of updates. Preoccupied most of the time :P. So yeah, I've been quite busy jua. To summarise in a timeline, last Tuesday I went to London, stay overnight in Brunei Hall cos the next day early in the morning Lydz smpai. Fetched her up, went back to Birmingham in the afternoon and went to Hull the following day. On friday was Lydia's graduation. Then Saturday came and it was MadPaintball 2k9.Nasib jua Sunday time off.

Bh mari becreta.

I wanna surprise Lydia on Wednesday by arriving a bit early and when she comes out of the arrival gate, i'llgive her a call saying i just took off from Brunei Hall. Sadly that plan didn't happen. I got off the wrong terminal. Flights from Brunei land in terminal 3. I was in Terminal 4. Cam setaie lagi ku tu menanya information kn jalan batis ke Terminal 3. Information told me i could just take the free train off course i did. Lydia was on the phone with me that time. I just lied to her that im still otw in the tube and a couple of stops to go. Gladly i arrived terminal 3 before she snapped. Sapa jua inda, ngalih2 dri Brunei tpi nda kna smbut :P Sorry~~~ hehehhe. When i saw her, waiting on her own, looking all pissed, my gut feeling just wanna go there and hug her. But instead, i hid in the corner and called her saying i'll be a bit late due to diversion. Lain slajur mua c lyds hahahaha. While ia marah2 on the phone, i sneak quietly and sat beside her. Then she had mix emotions of marah+happy+surprised+relief. For me, im the happiest guy in London that morning :D

Friday came and it was Lydia's graduation that morning. The convo went well. It wasn't a big ceremony like a degree convo. Master's was better. Short and simple. I love the lecturers who handled the convo. They know how to keep the audience entertained. To Noorlydiawati Hj Zamain, CONGRATULATIONS!! You're officially a Masters holder now on Globalization and Governance.

Benetton Ad.

Spot Lydia.


We arrived Birmingham at aroun 10pm that night. Most of the bibers were at 688 pershore rd helping out to prepare food for all the participating teams in madpaintball 2k9, which was the next day. We were pretty tired but didn't wanna miss all the fun. Tolong sikit2 ler. Next day, took off at around 7.15 for Cosford. MDP 2k9, 14 teams and Birmingham sent 2 teams, Brum Supremacy and Brum Ultimatum.

I was part of Brum Supremacy. Team captain-Donny. Strategist-Alif. Right flank- Topx, Me, Razan and Tiqa. Left flank- Azrul, Mus n Hanif. Charlie's Angel- Fatin, Radh n Lydia. Centre- Nawir. Proud of you guys. We had a very good start. Score 100 points for grabbing the flag first and post it on the enemy's base. Me and topx shot the last man. We were glad we had the chance to go head to head with Bristol Supremacy. Sama bh nama kmi atu and dua2 nda mau tukar. There could only be one supremacy and it was settled on the field....and winner goes to the Brum Supremacy! mwahahahhahaha (devilish). We lost two out of 7 matches in the qualifyings. Got second place in our division where first goes to Kaizoku. The battle for 2nd place was really tough. This was because Kelabit (the team we lost to) was gaining on us. They had a total of 425 points. Our points were 425 also with one game in hand...

Our last opponent was Kaizoku which we only have a 5% chance of winning the game. We had to score something. 50 points awarded for whoever catches the flag first. Another 50 will be added if that flag is pot on the enemy's base. 25 bonus is awarded if you display an awesome gameplay. We definitely should score sumthin. So then Brum Supremacy aim for the flag only. It was head to head. Kaizoku VS Supremacy. The moment the marshall said GO! Alif and Donny rushed to the flag. The girls back them up from behind. Me and TopX went straight right flank position. The problem was we were given the bad side of the terrain. We were down hill while Kaizoku was got the upper side. They got to the flag first. We were eliminated in seconds. I got shot on the face and the head. Head shots are not counted but my marker got shot so i was out. The only one left on the field was topX. He was given an option whether to surrender, since he was surrounded by all the kaizoku players, thus eliminate the chances of pain from getting shot, OR play on. He chose the latter. Going all heroic he lunge himself towards the enemy and shot as much as he can. We lost. We didnt get the flag and all of the team was eliminated. In our heads we were tie with Kelabit. Then Marshall called everyone. Due to TopX heroic act we were given 25 bonus points!!! We were so relieved! A nerve wrecking ending for the division battle. Here as we stand. Supremacy's on the left, Ultimatum's on the right. If im not mistaken Ultimatum only lost once. Steady bh both Brum teams.

Final battle was Brum Supremacy VS Brum Ultimatum. It was last year all over again. The Brum Derby. Last year was battle for 7th and 8th place. This year we notch up a bit. The best part is the trash talk. Damn that was funny hahahhaha. Jgn nda labih2 trash talk ani lol. Battle of the Brums baby!

Supremacy on the left VS Ultimatum on the right.

It was definitely a close match. The terrain was the killing field; an open field with few covers. We start off with rushing towards the flag. because we know Ultimatum's speedy gonzalez- Kimin, will be running for it and damn he's fast. He got the firt grab of the flag. Luckily all of us were already in position by then. We shot him from all corners. He dropped the flag into the trench. No one grabbed it after that. I was with Razan on the right flank covering TopX . He manage to shoot quite a handful of the Ultimatum's. There was around 7 of us left on the field. towards the end. Two of em were Ultimatum's- Zaim and Sepol. Most of us however were out of bullets. Azrul ended the battle since he 'accidentally' saw the flag in the trench. Grab it and ran to Ultimatum's base. Results us 75 (flag to base and awesome gameplay by TopX) and Ultimatum 50 (grabbing the flag first). Final standings after Supremacy reign supreme over the Ultimatums :P

Tips for battle ready. Firstly, display of terror. Facepaints thanks to my bro Zaim. Sorry nis abis eyeliner mu :P

The artist.
Tribe Wrestler


Dynamic Duo.
Naruto melayu Sage mode

Sepol- bakat luka bakas tangsi ah muanya psl mengait kikik org. Kimin- kna kakai uleh ucingnya.
Fadz and her toy.

2nd tip- Get your tippman right and...

Your pellets full.

Then ur battle ready!

Mng third place Syukur Alhamdulillah. We never knew we could. We all came with a mindset just to have fun. Once in the battlefield, that mindset changed to a strive to beat the opponent. Our will and determination change the fate of the game. Same goes to Ultimatum. Everytime both of us ended a match, we ask each other, apath kamu mng? And its always the same answer, auweh mestilah mng! hahahahha Usul kmi mcm rookies tpi steady~~ Don't judge a book by it's cover.

The Brum Supremacy- before and...


Right Flanks!

The Brum Ultimatum.

Group photo over the big army car.

Zaim's work.

A special thanks to Tony for working extra hard for organizing the paintball tournament. It was successful. I can't see any fault during the event. Kn mau makanan nyaman gi? Baik makan restaurant lol Thanks to all the Bibers for preparing the food. Too bad nda smpat merasa sambal Kayun psl takut krg rumah bebau sambal for a whole week. Okay now is crunch time buat preparations for essay. Kerajaan amanahkn ketani supaya belajar :P

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