Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wagamama and Monopoly~

Ill be headin to manchester tomorrow to my brother's and to fadz's. Nothing much happening once work is done. Well, i have one essay to do this holidays and i have to do it early since my schedule is quite full with Melo and Yani comin to visit me heheheh can't wait. Had a pretty good weekend tho. Went out on Friday with the other Bibers. I was in the city searching for a prezzie for my secret santa. Then played footie at 5 with my department. A friend of mine had a couple of cuts by wearing jogging shoes to play on an astro turf. He slip and fell on the concrete sidewalk. Nda pedah2 luka sana sini. Football was great. Then after that tarus ke city to join the rest for wagamama.

After wagamama we hang out at Pershore, main PES2009 and monopoly spiderman version. I got 2nd place. C azrul manang buyuk :P.

The next day we were suppose to go swimming but my body feel so weak so me and my housemates just hangout at the city instead. Met Abu, Azrul and Fadz. They decide to hang out at our place later that night. Fadz cooked for us her tuna pasta bake. We used the whole packet of mozarella cheese. NYAMAN~~~ Too bad i didn't take any pics that night. I thought i left my camera at Pershore. Panya betapuk dlm plastic bag. Nisa bought 'Game of life' earlier that afternoon so we played it after dinner. Siuk lah jua for beginners. C Azrul gi mng~ hahaha Abu left for Brunei the next day. The last time i heard he was stranded in Dubai :S hopefully everything is ok.

But today nuthin much. Boring pulang nada papa. Kn jln2 abis usin hahah. Anyway i just wanna say congratulations to Sakura for winning the Winter Games tourney!!!

Apip, soon i'll be a jugler:P Bnyak practice kli udh ah hehehe.

Last but not least, I wanna say thank you to the person who've been helping me through rough and hard times. The person who understands what i'm goin through and still be there by my side. Thanks for your help...and i really miss you. This song is for you love.


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