Tuesday, December 23, 2008

So far on winter Hols~

Sori my readers for angat2 taie ayam abt blogging. My holidays are quite pack. This post will be more pics less talk lol.

First i head off to Manchester visiting my brother. I only stayed there for one night. Thats Dinin on the couch and Wafi playing the guitar, both my bro's housemate. Wafi used to play footie with me back in Brunei. Cool lh rumah drg. I got to stay in the attic which has a very looooww ceiling. The only place where you can stand straight is in the middle of the room. Nevertheless good times. Next day i stayed at Fadz's place.

This is Fadz's housemate- Kam. She's doing textiles studies, kira mcm fabric2 kain and its really cool. Basically she studies frm satin to goretex fabrics and how to make good use of it and other sorts. First time i heard a Bruneian taking it. Coool brabis~~

A must food to eat in Manchester if you're in Rusholme. The name is Kobeda (no jk). Sedap!

Fadz~ the girl who sasak brabis kalah to me on her new set of monopoly :P Sori fadz hehehe

Manchester's German Market.

Left Fadz's place the next day. SPent only two days in Manch. Bukan apa, malar dh ke sna nda tau kmana kn lawat:P Maybe next time gi if ada football match. Owh n Fadz has two other housemate which i remember c Din sja, sorang gi aku lupa, sori! heehe Left Manchester around 2ish and got front seats in the bus :D

First time i sat in the front row. Usually give way for the elderly. 3hrs to Birmingham. So jobless. Tidur pun nda mau. So play with my camera. Couldn't take good shots due to the vibrations in the bus. Btw front seats are awesome cos you can look whats in front of you and nda samak! Klu blakang2 atu mengadap kerusi dpn sja. Funny thing was our bus driver was a grumpy sarcastic person. A small car tried to makan jlnnya and the bus driver honk at it, accelerate, pass the small car and he look at his window and gave the car a sarcastic clap. Hahahhaha. Mcm2 bh ulahnya bus dreba ah, ada tia buat hand gesture saying 'No, No, No' and he again made a gesture of waving to the left cos the van was slow and driving on the right hand side. Mental2.

Smpai Birmingham, next day main badminton in Aston. Nisa wasn't satisfied cos we play for an hr so she booked a court in UB (university of birmingham) and we played for three hours cos no one was using it! Byr for an hr sja hahaha

Tony showing off his power punch.

Cara2 sehat, exercise tiap2 hari....and lapas atu mkn junk food :P

Badminton Star, Superman and Legend.

Topx, Razores and DDR master.

Random ni. You dont normally see an Indian Tribe playing to a christmas carol.

The next night most of the Pershore people come over to our place to tryout the new PS3 along with rockband. Seller forgot to send the mic so we tried with Singstar PS2 punya mic and it works!

Girl Band feat Fadz on vocals.
Hudz on GuitarAnd tuuuu KaYun on Drums!

The two brothers, both on expert levels- Nawir on guitar and Arif on Drums.

Wonderful night. Yesterday Chip arrived Birmingham. We watched Twilight. So over rated. Krg ke city and the night pershore people will be comin over gi. Nyayat main drum atu:P Tomorrow secret Santa!!! Bh update nanti gi after secret santa. Tata~~

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