Sunday, December 28, 2008

Xmas Hols!

I love my winter holiday :D This year i'm more of a host rather than a guest. Lots of things make me all smiles and happy and this is especially to my friends who visited me. If it wasn't for them i bet my house will be soooooo quiet. Anyway since i haven't post since the 23rd, this again will be more pics less talk hehehehe. From the 23rd up until tonight, everyday have benn wonderful. Thank you everyone.

First of all who came to visit was Chip. He would've stayed longer but he has to go to Soton.

Then come along Yani, Melo and Reza.

Then some other guests lawat2 rumah kami heheh. Heres Umi, CJ, Yulia and Aziz. They were flying off to Amsterdam the next morning. Drg kerumah cos Umi gatal kn ngantak drum rockband. Steady c umi hahaha and CJ has a nice voice.

And finally geng c ramzi dtg. Frm left Azmi, Famme, Kikie, Ramzi and Jimie. C ram dye rambut, samseng~~~

So started off c chip kemari stayed over my place. C jul pun ada kerumah but stayed at Sepol's. Main rockband and here are the 3/5 ex-Rushmeads.

Chip showing off his talent.

24th came and Chip was off to Soton in the afternoon and in the evening arrived Reza, Yani and Melo. That night we had our secret santa and it was fun. 'Happening' lh nya org. The secret santa in Birm have a different type of system. Basically at the end you have to guess who's giving you the prezzie. So basically its an ideal way to give someone you admire a gift without them knowing who it is from.

One of the main meals for the night, Tony's roasted 9kg turkey. Sedap!

Presents were open after we ate. Everyone was eager to find out who get what. Presents varied from just a piece of paper to something that can store more than music, movies and pictures.

Yani, the girl with the most gifts. Tommy Girl Hanis with her lovely Pooh.
Sukri with his red jumper.
I got myself somehing from Ben Sherman heheheh thanks baby!

Anak2 murid Mr. SIngh. Sori ram, the pic yg ada ko atu kabu~
The girl who i got for secret santa. Took me a while to kurek2 what she likes. Thanks to UMI for the info!
Then nasib jua lurus. C teeqah happy. Collection ambuknya betambah hahaha.
C topx lain gi cerita ni. He didn't join secret santa but got prezzies cos it was his B'day.

Thank you razan for the chocs!

The next day was Christmas and all types of public transportation was closed. Nothing to do. But the next day was a big day cos its boxing day and people go all gugugaga for the boxing day sale! I never shopped during boxing day so since its my final year in UK i gave it a shot. Mnatau belureh. We set off early in the morning and after 2 months, baruth merasa the morning sun (ketara bgn akhir sja ah).

We arrived at the city by 9 using a taxi. By then Bullring, the main mall in Brum, was filled with hundreds of people ready to grab a bargain.

This was the que at Zara. Initially i was in the RiverIsland queue then Sepol and Mus said that Zara's queue was not as long. I though might as well then. The queue was proper as you can see from the pic below but once the doors open...
...mcm kambing lapas dri kandang~ lol

The sales assistants ready to bear the huge number of customers.

Starting point.
Around debenhams.
Then naymbung gi kblakang....and it eventually goes on and on up until the main door. Kepisan!
Melo kesian kelaparan. We went to Wokmania after that. Rez didn't join us shopping. Melayan tidurnya ia dulu. But ia join us lunch along with the other bibers. Kenyang mkn wokmania fuuh~~ So far the best dish was the Thai Green Curry.

After lunch we had second round of shopping. Believe it or not the only thing i got for myself is an oil scent for my room from boy shop which cost me 3.50 lol Mostly i bought overdue gifts. Well basically i don't like the idea shopping for a barain when theres like a gazillion shoppers all in the same store. Basically everywhere was crowded. Queues to checkout tilts was really long and bari malas gi kn be q ani. I thought that whoever could withstand the crowded shops and still gets what they really want for a bargain must have a high mentality and motivation. For me the vast number of people turns me off. I had a theory that shopping during boxing day leads to buying unnecessary stuff. The sales are honestly good,and attractive, creates temptation and sometimes, we even convince ourselves that its a good bargain. It often happens that we end up buying what we want then what we need. Then for example if someone is not easily tempted and said to himself that no sale will lure him to take out his money, he will then just go 'window shopping'. But once he call his mates and his mates told him they had bought tons of stuff, he'll feel left out and will be tempted to buy something, at least something to be in the league with his mates. This irrational decision again will lead to buying stuff that later he'll feel its a waste. And i tell you, this happens! hahahaha But not for me :P I seriously got fed up with every shop filled with people. We set off 9am in the morning. We got back around 5pm at night. Sorang2 lalah.

Next day I accompany Melo and Yani to Cadbury World. I wasn't exactly sure how to get there. Got some info from different people so ikut saja tia. There was suppose to a change of bus to get to Cadbury. So i told the bus driver "I wanna go to Cadbury World. Can you stop at the bus stop where it changes for the bus to go to Cadbury World. And the bus driver, who i think assumes im one of those asians who can't speak proper english and satisfy with any answer, just nods. So i trust him. We passed a signboard saying cadbury world. Then 15 mins past. No signboard. The place outside looks disserted. Only thing i could do was trust the bus driver. But i had a gut feeling that he might had forgotten. Then i saw a signboard saying something like M29 and in my mind bloody hell this is the highway! Ask the bus driver did we pass bournville? (since cadbury is situated there). He replied in a manner that i couldn't understand while speaking with a very soft voice but all i could conclude was that we passed it like more than 10 stops ago. Mental ku mental! Talur punya bus driver. Udh th kmi akhir dh, Cadbury kn tutup, ia ndagi nulung! URGH. Went to the other side of the road try to get another bus and now, to get things right.

Eventually we did make it. Syukur. Stress dh ku. Bukan apa sian Melo and Yani iski to get free chocs :P And here they are indulging on melted chocolate with rice crispies and biscuits bits.


Got back home then Teeqah told us (me and nisa) that she wanna meet up. Said she wanna give us something. Apparently she gave everyone some stuff so we met up at pershore rd. To my surprise and honestly i was really shock, that she got me the perfume i wanted. She said she jarang got gifts (i got her monkey for secret santa) and she wanna return the favour back and since my b'day is comin, there was a good reason for her to buy something from the wishlist. I was speechless lol.
Thank you teeqah for the lovely gift! and eena, on the right, who told her abt my wishlist. Thanks eena!
So yeah, Givenchy Play is off the list! The next day was a break from all the jalan2 and everything. Lepak2 sja d rumah that night with Reza, Melo, Yani and Nisa. They went home the next day. Felt lonely once they left. Thank you to everyone who visited me. You guys made my xmas hols complete! Bh jgn jara gi. Rajin2 gi ke Birm heheh.

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