Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Click2 and ur off the hook?

Sorry i've not been blogging for quite a while. Its just those times where you don't know what to write about. Plus i've been very busy with work. Betimbun bah~ Yet im balancing my time with lepak sessions and surprise b'day parties. But i have to less of the latter and more work. Only 3 more weeks till school ends. Mesti blajar!!.....And i hope the enthusiasm and willingness ends as most of the time its merely an empty statement. The work that i fear most is the essay i have to write over the xmas holidays which i know i'll leave it to the last minute. But i really2 don't want to go through that again. Still remember when i went to Brunei over Dec and didn't do a single bit of work at all. Next thing i know my essay was below 50. Daym. But thats just the thing. We take free time for granted. Leave everything to the very last minute. When you think pressure will push you and do a good job...which usually turns out to be the opposite thing. I realize that. And after MA im gonna work. Thats why now im trying my best to discipline myself. I know i should have done this when i was in my 2nd yr (1st yr mesti henjoi) but the laid back attitude overcomes my effort to be prompt and organized. Skali lapas atu menyasal kwangkwangkwang.

Anyway went to the city yesterday for the xmas parade. Thot there would be big colourful cars and those hot air ballon dolls rising up in the air tapi mcm biasa sja. Overimagination. The best one was the reindeer. First time liat live. Sakai lah sikit hahahhaha. Then i got to use Hanis's SLR. Play around with it and with some tips from Unc. Rajul and seriously its getting fun. I know in ur mind now like owh there goes kash goin to be a wannabe photographer know-it-all since its now the 'in' thing. Well thats what i wanted to discuss. There are dozens and dozens of photoblogs now as you could see from the simpur directory. Some (or most) are serious photographers. Its their hobby, their passion, their life and for the experts, its their profession. Took pics of weddings and events and earn a few side income. Then there are some who are just new to photography and wanted to snap beautiful, creative images acknowledge by the best sharpshooters. Maybe also to pursue a sucessful career into photography or maybe just wanna have fun with a DSLR. Doesn't mean u own one you have to be a professional, correct not? But usually whats been around in the public is the stereotype of wannabe sharpshooters. Question is how do we avoid this? I know to those who are new with photography always get the critique 'ih ko membali cos its the in-thing now and sooner or later the spirit will fade away.' Demoralizing...Yet people whos on ur back will say forgot about what other people say and believe in yourself. Take good pictures and prove them wrong. Start a blog or flickr or anything to show your images. Its a start, right? I really wish you guys luck if this is whats in your mind. Respect that. Play around with your chunky DSLRs and have fun with it.

But what about people who are truly wannabes. DAMN~~~ d tnya memang drg tau tu semua specifications apa. Ask what each function does and they go DOWH! lol I think the worst ones are the ones who show off to people not their images, but their expensive cameras not knowing how to operate to its full use. More like self-proclaimed professionals. And these type of people are expanding in numbers. Im not merely saying this. To the naked eye of mine who judge pictures as how it appears knows the difference between a great picture and someone who takes a normal average picture and claims its a masterpiece. More like heavy massive editing. Kadang2 ada yg kabur pun d simpan jua dlm their photoblog. Your photoblog is to advertise youself! Simpan good pictures in it. Bukan yg cukup2 makan. But thats what i expect when i visit a photoblog. For one thing its a blog for photos so meaning good photos, average maybe but not blur, over exposure or simply dark shadowy photos. If i was asked do i want a DSLR and i would reply yes i do. I've been using some of my friend's and its really a very interesting gadget to get hold on. Take nice pictures. Bukan antam2. To those of my friends who are reading this and owns a DSLR, IM NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU. Jgn perasan:P Im just simply saying, generally to all, that do use your DSLR to full use. Take great photos that us digicam owners couldn't get. Afterall you guys bought it with a very hefty price tag.

Anyway now some pics from yesterday.

Unc. Rajul with family.


A great picture sent thru email. Looks like theres gonna be a big feast for dinner~

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