Monday, November 10, 2008

Jgn jadi pemalas

Four more weeks till i have to submit 2 essays and prepare a presentation on the security of South East Asia. Now i could feel the pressure of an MA student. I admit i've been slacking off but now have to put my mind straight. No more last minute works! Pernah sekali i wrote an essay in one day 3000 words :S but that was first year. But sometimes, well usually most of the time, although we put in our heads to prepare the essay materials and finish off early, we still leave it to the last minute. I pushed myself to start last week but laziness and the habit of slacking off overcomes my will to study. I bet most of you guys deal with this to. I respect those who organize their time really well. Study effectively and still have the time to enjoy student life. So yeah im starting on an essay about Japan and China's relation with the US. Don't wanna repeat last year's mistake so i bought a handy book on 'How to write better essays'. So far it does help me with structuring my essay and organizing my notes. Plus my lecturer is strict with marking essays. She warned us in the beginning, that she wants an essay that has a good academic structure (footnotes, bibliography, paragraphing, refrencing) and on top of that, proper grammar. I pity those in my class who doesn't speak english really well. I wanna help them but then again im struggling with my own work. Lena (my lecturer) did suggest a good idea; bring a native english speaker to dinner and ask him/her to check your essays. I think ill bring my english fren over for ambuyat and satay hahahhaha buat kn nya kli essay ku.

I think the problem with studying during the winter season is the late mornings and early nights. Feeling low and not in the mood. All you want to do is sleep. To make things worse its been raining day and night. Siapath kn smngat ke skulah. Apath gi in d library. Tidur barinya. This was taken around 4pm ish.

I got an email about transexuals and it surprises me how beautiful these 'guys' turnout to be after operation, especially the Thais. The thought of it disgusts me tho, no doubt abt that. I wonder it must be hard for those teenagers in Thailand to date. Imagine two guys flirting and the lady turns arnd with a rough voice 'ah apa?' lol scary~ That brings me back when i was form 1 in SOAS. Msatu the bench bawah staff room tmpat lepak pondan2. Im not sure if it still is. So yeah everytime kn ke staff room gerenti th melintasi tu pondan2 ah. Once theres this one pondan, lintasi klass kami dgn lengang2nya n literally everyone from my class shouted 'MUA SEPOSEN!'. Cuba that pondan atu patah balik, went into our class n shouted 'Siapa mua SEPOSEN?!' n his/her voice tarus jadi garang ani bah LOL tungkal sorang2. Talk about being feminin.

Some pictures i wanna share.

This is our house. Org putih nda brani masuk psl ada anti-christ atasnya. We didn't put it there. It just came with the house.
More one colour pictures. Taken by Nisa. pandai ia sudah~

Bday boy.

Iklan Walker's Crisp.

Tomorrows a new day. New things to explore. New stuff to experience.

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