Friday, June 13, 2008

The 'story'

I just got my results today...

Anyway I promise to write an interesting story once my reader count reach 10,000. Well here goes.

It was the end of term and three essays were due in. I did finish all three of them and successfully handed it up. I couldn't wait for easter holidays by then. I spent my easter in Manchester and Hull at my brother and Dia respectively. I did have fun but i knew i couldn't ignore the fact that my exams are just around the corner. Once i got back to Kent i tried my best to keep up with my schedule, study everything i could in order to achieve a 2.1. I'm not underestimating my self but i know its quite impossible at that point for me to score a first. My target is a 2.1. I did pretty well for my coursework this year compare to last year. Last year my average was 59, a single mark more for a 2.1. I knew this year i could get a higher chance for scoring a 2.1. Then the 2/3 essays i handed during the end of term had been marked. I gt a 60+ and a 50+ each. I was waiting for the last paper. I checked through my student data system daily and the last marks hadn't been updated yet. Then one day the coursework marks were in. I was so excited to find out cos this one consist of an essay and a presentation. I thot i nailed the presentation and didn't do bad on the essay either. On the SDS it showed that i gt a 60+ for a presentation but only a 10 for my essay.

I was in the library at that time with my friend. I was suppose to teach my friend but after seeing those marks i got panic. My heart was beating like a 12-inch sub. My mind was swirling like a whirlwind, not knowing what to do, what went wrong and the possibilities of what this could mean for my overall results. I thought there was a miscalculation or they might mark the wrong paper. I then emailed the department and i got an immediate reply saying that i should email my lecturer. I didn't even wait for that. I called her. Lucky she was in the office and she told me straight that the essay was a piece of plagiaries work.

She then said that its best if I see her cos its hard for her to explain on the phone. I then met her and she told me that my work was consider as plagiarism. It wasn't because i copy directly without referencing. All my sources i put down a footnote stating where i got it from and so forth. The problem was because of quotation marks. She told me that because i ignored using quotation marks its hard for them if the sentence was mine or copied from a book. Then, well i assumed, that with a footnote it was enough already. But apparently its not yet complete. I then complained that before this I got through and not even a single person warned or commented on my style of referencing. Obviously i didn't intend to plagiaries ; I adapted the way i write an essay and i assume its the correct method. Thats why when my lecturer asked 'Did you check the module handbook on referencing essays?' and i answered no. Then my lecturer explains a bit further why it was still consider plagiarism. She explained it in a very manner and step-by-step way that at the end i understood and couldn't do anything but agree that my method was wrong. The worse part was she told me that my essay could easily score a 2.1 if it wasn't for plagiarism.

The moment i walked out of her office i was very down. It affected my studies, my mental state, my appetite and everything around me. Then fear took over my emotions. This is because for our department, if you fail a subject as in for the overall mark, you have to resubmit the essay paper. By this time around my parents already booked tickets for my graduation and they are looking forward to it. I didn't want them to come here and not seeing their son graduate. I felt really bad and worried. I then called my mum. She is also a student in UIM in Penang so she understands my feelings better than anyone else. Luckily she understood my situation. She suggested me to plead, which i was entitle to.

The next few days i went to the department again to see the person in charge with student matters. The officer in charge, Sara, told me that i could plead to the board of examiners. She then told me if i was to resubmit the essay paper, the marks will be carried till August and i will not graduate before November meaning no graduation for me in July. By this point i was terrified and scared. Sara was a helpful person though so i told her my case of the whole not intentional thing. She understood my situation and it was pretty unlucky for me to be caught like this. She helped me out and figure ways how i could score this one particular module without me graduating in November. Luckily my presentation boost up the overall marks and after calculating the numbers, i need to score above 53 for my exams to pass the module. I know i could do it, but at this point i felt so pressurize and i was down again and felt hopeless. Only Allah knew how I felt at that time, being sad, uneasy, pressurized and afraid. Then i told Sara i give it a shot with the pleading.

She set up an appointment. It was during the worst time ever; it was during my exams period. So before that day come, where i could increase my mark from 10 up to 60, i have to focus on my other exams. I knew my mum and my dad is praying for me. I kno my close friends whom i told about the story is supporting me from behind and i know i couldn't f**k up this shit. My aim is a 2.1 and i couldn't stop yet. I felt lively again, my spirit for aiming a high mark for the exams came back. I studied hard. I studied with my friends, asked help from my tutors and pray so that i would at least pass my exams and graduate this summer. I was also praying continuously that the board of examiners will change my marks. Then the day came.

I wasn't too emotional during the pleading. Because by then i didn't even care much about the outcome. I was tired for being negative. I was so focused on my exams at that time. However doesn't mean that i do not want them to reconsider my marks. The board asked me questions and i explain and answered accordingly and appropriately. I was hoping a little bit that the board will change my mind. The next few days Sara emailed me about the results. My marks still stays at 10.

I felt a little bit disappointed. But for just a moment. The important thing now is to study as hard as i could and score good marks on my exams especially on the one particular module. After my exams finished, all i could think of was praying that i will graduate this summer. I thought i did well for the exams and i was really hoping at least a 2.2. Then again. I shouldn't be too confident so i thought of the worst case scenario. Then we were told that on June the 13th our results will be released.

Yesterday i got my results at 4.54pm. My housemates already got their results days before mine. They scored 2.1's and 2.2's. And i was really hoping i would score the same as them, but most importantly, i want to graduate this summer. My heart always felt uneasy before this. Even when i was in Porto, i felt scared, nervous and at the same time anxious every time i think about my results. Then logged into my SDS. Under examination results, i got a 2.2. Syukur Alhamdulillah, the first words that came out of my mouth. Dia and Fadz was with me in my room, celebrating my success. My housemates then joined in. I was really happy and relieve. I called my mum straight away and she was pleased with me. I then checked my breakdown and i got exactly 53 for my exams for the particular module which made a 40 as an overall. Now thats what I call nyawa2 ikan. I then calculated my average mark and i scored 58. I thought if it wasn't for the plagiaries work i could get a 2.1 but the feeling of syukur and relieve overcome that thought.

Lesson to be learn- Always check your handbook on writing essays to avoid plagiarism and never assume that your methodology is always right. Also, never ever give up.



Senor Pablo said...

Congratulations on passing your degree. Tahniah! I salute ur bravery and honesty in sharing your story. I'm really sorry to hear about your incident. Here in Australia, we have to sign the cover sheet when we handed in the essays to declare that we didn't plagarise our essays. It became a statutory declaration and have legal implications. That is how serious my uni is. But Alhamdulillah, I got that message loud and clear from day one I came to the Uni.
We share our essays amongs friends, to point out any any mistakes that we may have, from English to quotation marks, style and arguement. So, it was a cooperative community that we helped one another, irrespective to what marks we get in the end.
So, good luck on ur job hunting. See u in Brunei.
Oh! BTW, I should share with you.. I got a DISTINCTION for my democratic peace theory 5,000 words essay! I'm over the moon! huhuuh

Kash said...

Thanks Senor Pablo! Yeah checking your work with other friends is a good way to get a good mark. Congratz on the essay! If there's anything on DPT i should seek your advice ni hehehe. I'll be continuing my masters kli tarus so won't be looking for a job at the moment. Good luck on your final dissertation Senor Pabz!

Senor Pablo said...

Oh! Really... Congrats! R u going to do it in England again? Try the Australian National University for a change.. Awesome place and great stuff to read n I bet u will excel. New Masters session starts on 20th July or u can join in February 2009. Do let me know if I can be of help. Will be happy to...

Kash said...

yeah i was thinking doing it in the uk but i did give Aussie a thot. Since u recommend the place, if i cant get into UK i mite change then. Yeah for sure ill need help by then, thanks for the help Senor!