Monday, June 16, 2008

Pagi yg gelap, kini sudah terang

1. Uruskan Masters
2. Pack Barang
3. Bersihkan Rumah

The three most important thing to do right now. But every time I think about it i feel lazy and tired, padahal jobless tu spanjang hari. Today was no exception. Luckily there's something else to fill my day, going to the FunFair which is in town. Me, Dia, Fadz, Kee, Jack, Lehin and Apip went to the fun fair near the Kingsmead Leisure centre.

Lots of goodies

This made me miss the old times in JP.

Crazy Castle

Clear warning~

Cutest baby. Shes like a princess, pram nya lagi classy n vintage,

After the funfair we didn't know where to go. Skali plan kn BBQ kononya esk lah . So we decided to go to TESCO that little that we know it closes at 5pm on Sunday. Apath inda batah, every minute stop n begambar lol mcm baru2an d Canterbury. So here's what we got feat . Fadz.

Malui dpn Sainsbury's


Aiskrim satu, Choc please

Ye Old Canterbury

River Tours

Fadz spotted something...

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