Thursday, June 12, 2008

Munie's Art Show

Really sorry for the lack of updates. I just got back from Porto. It was awesome plus going with such wonderful friends make the trip ever more memorable and full of utak2 yg pacah. But before i go on more of that i would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Munie's art and the whole art show. I am not an art expert but i do like to see the artist's creativity in sculpting/drawing/making these kind of arts, shown during the exhibition. I always get interested especially when someone explains to me the meaning behind the art. Munie's was on 'Clash of Memories' where she built cubes to show her memories. Other arts were not bad either. My favorite have to be the corner room that is designed ala2 a Gothic murder scene. Went to Wagamama after the show to complete the night:)

Siti Munirah Isa's art.

The artist in person.

The tiang at the back is made from 100% plastic
Abstracts are the best.
Sapa tu?- Rez's fav.Art inside a trash dump full of water.
Art inside a fridge.

How a plastic full of water and a projector can have an effect on the art.
Falling Soldiers

The murder scene

confuse much?
If Phoebe was around, this might be her favorite.

It was a very successful event. Different type of arts were portrayed, including explicit ones. And there were some art work that you can tell that it was a last minute job. Nampak lah yg malas2 atu. I think the one artwork that only made by minimal effort was buy a guy who arranged a number of chairs and the title 'Loneliness'...need i to explain more?

Next post will be on Artsfest and Porto. Tunggu bnyak2 gambar baru ku post. Till next time. Btw my results are coming out in approx in 14 hrs time:S...

Wish me luck...

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