Sunday, June 29, 2008

Porto Bebeh Finale~

Since we were living in the city area we decided to spend our least day in Porto shopping. We wanted to go to the Drago Stadium, home to FC Porto but it was closed that day. So shopping lah kmi membawa diri. I got myself a scarf and a t-shirt due to shortage of money. We had italian food for lunch that day (something to satisfy our taste buds). Then we went our own separate ways. Our plane was at night so there was no rush.

Porto is famous for these hand-painted tiles dated back up to the 16th century

The newly build Porto Airport. It was really big yet very quiet...

RyanAir- Cheapest way to fly~

But i learn something, never take the night plane unless you have a taxi, driven by respectful people (good job aiman), ready waiting for you or you have your own car. Porto was great but once we reached UK it was raining. Due to the delay flight, we missed our train. Luckily the coach driver accept our expired train ticket. Me Dia ATiq AIman and Wani took the same coach. The others used other coaches. When we reached london we had to take the bus cos the tubes are all closed. My oyster was out of credit so me atiq and dia had to find the nearest atm. Sudahth ujan, payah2 gi kn mencari usin and on top of that, mencari tmpat memacah usin. I think it wasn't quite the easy-going happy ending as i expected lol. When all is done then the waiting game starts, waiting for the bus. Once we reach Brunei we were all knackered. Dia got herself a transit room. For us guys, all the transit rooms were full. Me and Atiq even tried to open a lock transit door hoping nada org d dalam. Kesian lagi tu org ah pagi2 bangun uleh 2 strangers. Nasib baik asri was still awake that time. So lepak ah biliknya. Ali and Syaima joined us not long after that. I owe him big time for letting us sleep in his room that night. The next morning baruth balik Kent. Lesson learnt- never ever flyback from a holiday in the middle of the night.

Thats all from Porto. If you guys wanna watch the edited video version of our trip you can watch it from Reza's blog. Sorry for the lack of updates and delayed posts. Its been a crazy month. Syukur after inspection our house is good to go and InsyaAllah full deposit back. Finally my stuff is all packed. Im really happy both of my parents are coming and im sure its gonna be great.

P.S.- A tip, for those of you final year students in UK who haven't report to BSU, come on Mondays and Tuesdays in the morning. Gerenti lakas tu siap. You come on Friday and prepare for a three hour process.

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