Monday, July 07, 2008

In Londres

Now im in London smpai my parents dtg which is tomorrow, can't wait! Today has been fun jln2 with Dia, APip n Melo. Lesson learn today, Makan tapuk2 nda kanyang. We bought cheap sushi from Japan Center and can't find a place to eat. So we thought we just buy some food from a particular cafe and at the same time eat our own food. Tapi takut jua kna tagur so mkn tapuk2. So everytime the waitress melintas adath be alert. Au bnr nada kanyang. Udh th kn menyuap sushi dlm mulut pun paksa tarik balik psl waitress nya melintas. Ujung2 mkn ah lorong duduk tepi jalan lol. It was raining so we can't enjoy our food outdoors, booooo.

A few days back i helped Fadz and her parents to carry their stuff to Brunei House. I never been there so i always thought Brunei House is like an official exclusive and posh place for Bruneians to stay. Like its a hotel where ambassadors, brunei high com and any brunei government services have their meeting. Tapikn rupanya..... okay all i have to say is even jamban nya be share. Bh pikirth kamu. Good thing its really cheap, thats why people can't bother to stay anywhere else esp living in London where its quite costly.

After lunch in Nandos that day we went to Portobello market. There was good rumors abt a place call Hummingbirds which sells the best cupcakes. Im not really a fan of cupcakes so i really want to give it a try. Tgh2 mencari, we stop at another stall also selling cupcakes, asking for directions. The lady told us that hers was better. She said do give mine a try if you want to taste Hummingbird's. So i did...and she was right. Hummingbirds is waaaayyy overrated. The icing is too sweet and the texture of the cupcake is very brittle. It was a really great day till, my first time, badan kuyuk tecacah kaki ku. Panas lagi tu. Macam promo dirinya 'peluki daku d kala sejuk'.

Okay signing off. Kn tidur dulu.

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