Friday, June 27, 2008

Porto baby pt2

The second day in Porto.

Today we decided to go to the beach. Since yesterday was quite a hectic and tiring yet fun, going to all of the tourist attractions, today is time to relax and lay back. We did made a stop first before heading down the beach and that is to the BoaVista FC stadium and an art museum i fail to remember the name. Unfortunately for us the stadium was close so we just took pictures from the outside along with the cute kitty.

Then we got a bus and went to the art museum. The artwork displayed was far more complicated than the ones during munie's UCCA art show. Good thing Yasmin was there to interpret for us. Honestly, i didn't have a single clue of what each art meant. Yasmin thought us like 'interpret what you see, dont think too much'. Then there was a section where the artworks doesn't have a meaning which falls under 'minimal' art (luruskah?), and there was another section of vinyl arts. Anyway i didn't take a lot of pictures due to tight security and low lighting.
Next destination- BEACH!

Well we weren't quite prepare for the beach actually. For one main thing we didn't have any lapik to lie/sit on to. So, dgn mengunakan 12 akal manusia, we took this big large plastic sort of cover sheet and made it as our 'carpet'. Bnr ih betulehan semua org 'wth are these asian kids doing?'. Anyway as long we could sleep and relax than thats enough. By the end of the day everyone got tanned. We were hungry by then so we headed to the nearest pastry shop and have more portuguese egg tart, soddaappp. Owh, first hot portuguese chic spotted:P

ali showing us how to make the stone bounce on water

the beautiful cafe on the beach

Melayan emo~

siapa tu tidur ah?

Afternoon tea at a nearby pastry.

Everyone was tired once we reached Bolhao. The others went straight back to the hostel while me and Dia decided to search for somewhere to eat. We went to the Grand Plaza and found a food court. I was searching for a restaurant where they serve Francesinha, a a portuguese sandwich originally from Porto, made with bread, wet-cured hame, fresh sausage like chipolata, steak or roast meat and covered with molten cheese and a hot thick tomato and beer sauce. Obviously i replace the meats with fish fillet and ask for an alcohol-free sauce. Here's what i got.

Dia ordered creamy prawn tagliatelle, more italian than portuguese.
The restaurant we ate at wasn't really popular. For one reason, we were the only customers that night. I also have the feeling that they don't normally have Hijabi ladies as a customer. The kitchen and the dining area is separated by a big glass window and I was seating facing that glass window. Everytime i take a look at the kitchen, the chefs at the back were staring at us. At one point they were taking pictures of us while we were eating. Disturbing banar. Well we didn't care much. We were really hungry all in our mind was eat and get full. One good thing eating out in Porto is that the people are very generous. The servings is alot for a very good price. Prasanku tapau saja bah kami ani balik dri makan luar.
Back at the hostel we all chill at the living room, planning ahead for the next day and crita2. That night was our last night in Porto. We were starting to miss it already...

Next- Porto Baby, Finale

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