Thursday, April 03, 2008


I met my tutor yesterday, asking for a reference letter since im applying masters. I asked her the things she did to get her phd n stuff and she mentioned that she had to sit for an 8-hour exam!! and thats only to answer two essay questions! I was quite shock, the heat of a 2hr exam is already killing me and imagine an 8 whole hours of mental torture, arrrghhhh. Malasku kn Phd. I don't think im ready for that.

Anyway i have an essay due tomorrow. Im not even half way but i think i'll just snooze off first then continue in the mornin. Towards the holidays, you just can't take your work seriously. That is what im afraid with my upcoming exams. On the last day i have 2 exams! In the morning and in the afternoon! to think that its on the last day frightens me because usually, on the last day i would just finish the exam to get it done and over with. Ndath kira apa ku tulis dlm exam ah. Well not that extreme. But you no what i mean. And to have two exams with that mentality? hhuhuh ndapa, enjoy holiday dulu hehehehe

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