Tuesday, November 27, 2007

US reports

I find this interesting

I got it from brudirect. U know those adverts/infos on the side that people dont bother to click. Well here's one of them. Its a report from the US embassy in Brunei. Here is what they have to say abt Brunei:

There were problems in the government's human rights record, particularly in the area of civil liberties. The following human rights problems were reported:

  • inability of citizens to change their government
  • arbitrary detention
  • no freedom of speech, press, assembly, or association
  • restrictions on religious freedom
  • discrimination against women
  • restricted labor rights
  • exploitation of foreign workers
I bet at least one out of the 7 points stated u would agree with. I think yg paling padih tu nah d bawah sekali ah. EXPLOITATION OF FOREIGN WORKERS. Right now i know the first thing lintas pikiran kamu psl amah kan?

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