Saturday, November 24, 2007

Concert debut

Gt 4 esssays in 4 weeks...well make that 3 weeks. Damn.

Have to put my head in it. Especially the essay on terrorism. Have to get some of the terrorist speeches and analyze them. Luckily i have a VERY helpful professor that can show me where to find such difficult resources. NOT!. I emailed him but all he said was search the internet. Yeah google only give like a couple of hundreds websites to go to. Mana payah mencari tu. Ok kash sarcasm doesn't work here. HUH~

Tomorrow is the day when i become anti-social psl membuat kraja. Konon~~~

Yet this week had been one of my best week ever in UK. On thursday, for the first time i went to a concert. Yes. All my life i never went to a proper concert and i emphasize that, NEVER!. This was the debut. So who would i pick to make a great debut of a concert. Hrmmm~~ Well its KANYE WEST!!!! I only listen to a couple of his great songs. U know the ones that always appear on the radio esp klu d brunei yg d main kan nya balik2. As the brunei dj wud say 'ya mari kita dgr lagu d tangga ke-tiga, stronger dri kanyi wis'. hahahahahha. But after shauqi introduced to me Kanye's new album, Graduation, i started to like his songs. Thanks to Yasmin for buying the tickets. I watched with Rez, Yasmin, Atiq, Shauqi and Fai. Awesome performance. The opening act was from some uprising UK talent then Common took the stage after her. It was not till 9+ Kanye got out and perform. The atmosphere was amazing. Sakai bh aku ani first time concert heheheh.

It was really sad when he sang "Hey Mama". His mum just died a couple of weeks ago. he had to cancel of his euro tours. Luckily its not the one we were going for. When he sang the song the spotlight was directed from the back of his head so we can't see his face. I bet he was crying. Well who wouldn't be? He even can't sing the song properly. He skipped some lyrics but yet, it was really touching. Here are some pics from the concert.

Fai, me, yas, rez n atiq

Qee n Fai



The O2 was fully packed. Lawa udh gambar ani, ada tia kacau kpala org dpn atu.

Yesterday however balik dri London tarus go to Nadz's and Lydz's graduation. CONGRATZ to both of you! I didnt have a ticket so i had to que and wait until everyone who has a ticket is seated. Terrible thing was the day changed drastically as if there was a switch. We got to the cathedral and it was sunny. Soon after all the ticketholders went in it started to rain and i had to wait in the blistering cold. My hands were numb! Sudahth ujan, HAIL tia lagi lapasatu. Au bana kaja2 bh tangan ku.

Me, syamim, apip, my aunt and her husband came for the graduation. Siuk usulnya drg ambil sijil atu huhuhuh nda apa. Ill be getting that ujung tahun ani. AMIN. Gonna be a 2:1 insyaAllah.

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