Sunday, November 11, 2007

pemainan dulu2

More than a week since i put up my last post, pisan2. I think thats just me. Sometimes just to enter a new post pun malas. Huh. Then salah2 jua rsa if u dont put up sumthin. Pedah-pedah sja be blog hahahahha. I think i have tons of pics to post but im just too lazy.

So apa ada ah? hrmmm lets kurapak

I have an essay due next week so i have to work my ass off on that. Kanye's concert is around the corner:D, really lookin fwd for that. Yg kepisannya the next weekend is Malaysian Notts. Nda pandai diam d rumah my weekends ani. Best thing so far this month jua wud be Nadz coming over for grad. Lepak2 like old times. SPeaking of lepak, i went for shisha at atiq's place yesterday and damn they got a nice 37-inch plasma. Nice goin guys. Puas bh main winning. The shisha did make my head paning. Jalan kerumah pun nda lurus bh.

Oh btw who knows how to ilangkan jerawat d KEPALA, not muka, its kepala. Bnr pisan ku. Everytime i scratch my head mestith kna yg jerawat palaing sensitip. Thhis is one of the reason i dont want to shave my head. Nampak merah kepalaku. Krg mcm lolipop usulku. But wen i was a kid i always shave my head. Every december, school holidays, shave my head. I look so bulat those days. If i wore a robe people will mistaken me for the 2 shaolin boys, im the fat one obviously. Yes i was fat wen i was a kid. I remember when i was in primary 2 blue of PGGMB disaster strike early in the morning. Teacher went in. Everyone stood up. Whole class "Good Morning Mrs. Blablabla". Then everyone sit. I ended sitting on the floor cos my chair patah. I didnt kno how i did it hahahah. Barat bnr aku atu.Good years in PGGMB....

Ada g one story in PGGMB. It was primary three. My fren likes to wear his shoe loose so he didnt untie the laces. N u kno wen we sit doin our work we do swing our feet for no reason. Well my fren swing his feet so fast his shoe flew to the blackboard and was few inches away from the teacher who was writing something hahahahahha. He got punished. About punishes...u guys remember the most humiliating punishment u guys were given? I think for me when i was asked, instead of standing on the chair, its sitting beneath it. Funniest maybe masa skulah ugama. Kamu ingat main pen right where u lastik ur pen n fight with other pens n whoever stays on the table wins. Well, me n 3 of my frens ani finish our work awal. Apagi main pen.

Us: "main pen" YES! gugur pen basi si pulun
Pulun- "apa kamu 3 ah main buyuk, semua attack aku"
Us: "Ko minjam pen basi bapamu atu apa? Kami mampu pen kurus, atupun be gam dgn rubber( supaya friction)

Cikgu "Kamu jgn bising ah, yg lain ani buat kaja masih"--->1st warning
Diam seketika (but main pen masih)
round two
Pulun : "Hahahahah yes nah mng ku, pelantingan pen kamu ah"
Us- Apa ko ah, buyuk...lawan lagi ih, baru sekali"

and so the arguement continues...


hahahahha so we were playing near the flag post and another cigu melintasi kami.... she went to the klass n sed to our cigu "ih sian jua drg ah main pen dkat longkang" (flag post dkat with longkang) hahahahahhaha padahal kana denda. Talur2 if ingati balik calilah. Apa inda bisai2 cigu tagur buat bising. Bnr ih kna suruh main luar. Paling sadis sapa gugur pen nya ke longkang.

Those were the games. Main pen. SMpai be ikat2 pemadam ani bh. But bnr. Sapa pen nya yg branded n basi, atuth paling buyuk tu hahahah. We went to extreme measures just to win the game. Then there was biji gatah. Main guli gi. I think thats kinda like judi. U hit the opponents guli. U win. U take em. but ntahlah that was for fun.

Neway its 4am, better get some sleep.

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