Friday, October 12, 2007

Takbir Raya

To all bloggers and readers

Maaf zahir dan batin di pohonkan atas silap dan terkasar bahasa

Quite surprise that raya was last night! I was so confident that raya is gonna be on saturday, bet the anak bulan nda sbr2 kn kluar hheheh so problem was last nyte theres a meeting at the same time theres gonna be takbir. So apa bleh buat, the people at home have to wait till we finish the meeting. Glad lots of people came and to all nominees good luck with ur campaigning. To all malaysian-bruneian society members please don't forget to pay 3 pounds membership fee and please come on the 16th during elections. Each of ur vote counts and will make a difference.

After the meeting most of us hurry up to 20 Rushmead Close to do the takbir. Here's some photos from last night

The guys~

and the ladies~

a lil bit of candid~

Happy moment with atiq
Me, chip, dil, jul, lehin, sham


Thanx for coming kentians! Was a wonderful nyte, nantith lagi IF kmi ada open house hahahah, oraite then kn mkn ku, sma jua raya, no ketupat or rendang tho :(, oh well footie in an hour, laterss~

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