Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Post Prez

Last Night was my last night being the President of the Malaysian Bruneian Society. Congratulations to the new prez, Elina Effendi!! Honestly leaving the post did make me feel sad, quite use to the term 'Mr. Prez' but its okay. Some said my face looks like im gonna cry. Maybe yes, but obviously will not cry infront of all the members. Buruk tu ih. During the elections some people came up to me saying 'To me ur still Mr. President' hahahha u guys know who u r, thanks guys.

Being prez did change my life. Even the cikgus in Brunei Hall were like 'Ih ani org kuat kent ni'. Quite embarassing really. Never in my 2o years of living have i been elected of being prez or any post of the highest authority in a group/society etc. In this post, again, i would to thank firstly, my committee for being the best committee i have ever been with and to all who had supported me. Without u guys, im crap. Seriously. At one point i even thot that i shudn't even be called president...low self-determination i guess. But i did my best. I do know that i did some mistakes, please do criticise, i'l take it the right way and maybe in the near future i'l be a good minister:P amin~~

I still remember the moment i became president. The power i had Then it leads to the decisions i make. The responsibility i carry. The events i organised. Some of my friends even ask me how do i cope with my studies with so many other society stuff to do...i think its how much u put ur heart into it. If ur goin to be prez for the name, ur buying a one way ticket to Stressville. Now im still feeling quite a bit different, maybe the stress being prez hanging around my neck have already been release hahahahah just joking, don wanna frightened elina.

I learnt some lessons to be a better president...i think that's the most important factor i achieved for being the could see your flaws...where ur weak me my success doesn't go anywhere as important as my failure.

The Elections went well last night. I could see some potential in the new committee and hopefully no one's leaving the committee behind...if u wanna see pictures from last night please go to Apipatun's blog. So yeah i hope to see you all during Saturday's society raya. Please bring food *hint*

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