Thursday, October 11, 2007

another entry

I just finish my ethics seminar. Quite proud of myself for participating in the discussions. U kno when at some point that u dont do ur revision and the next day in seminars u feel like the most blank person cos ur being quiet? yeah i've been thru lots of those but this year is all about to change, amin~

Im in the library now and really hoping when i get back home the internet connection has already been setup. It's really dull without connection. Have to go to 26 Bramshaw girls to use their internet, sorry girls, at least i cooked sungkai for u hehehe and today might be the last day of puasa if anak bulan nampak tonite. I was hoping theres another day of puasa tho cos if nampak tonite then theres gonna be takbir and its at our place. Problem is tonite is also the nomination meeting for the new committee. So its kinda chaos to have takbir after the meeting.

Quite upset nda smpat bali the BSU raya tickets tho. The Kent zone is the same with london, and well u can do the math, kiranya kmi nda ampit cos mostly abis by the Londoners hhuhuhuhu hopefully theres a new batch kna jual lagi. Last year BSU raya wasn't all that, the only thing that drives me to go to the event this year is to meet up my Dorchester hahaha screw up the Dorchester bit, its just friends.

But before the happy2 stuff i have to cram my head on my studies. I have a book to finish and write a book review on it and 5 essays to be submitted. Have to start early to enjoy the outcome. What im happy about the holidays is that i dont have any essays to submit after school reopens and our holiday is extended to one more week, making it one month of holiday heheheh nice~ Plan to flyoff somewhere during dec, don't wanna jinx it so just diam2 ja dulu, mudaha2an murah rezeki.

Yesterday i chatted with my sister, which was quite after a while, n we talked random stuff. She came to a point where she mention abt people who passed away during this holy month of Ramadhan. The one which creeped me out is the car accidents in damuan. Both accidents involve hitting the same tree. The supernatural thing is the tree was still strong as ever but the cars were in terrible shape. One of the victims is my uncle...

Neway gtg, have some errands to do, till next pose...

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