Sunday, April 15, 2007


Sorry for the non-daily upates people, exams are comin n i have an essay to finish so will be busy for the coming 4 weeks.

Might not be blogging at all huhuhuhu but i'll try so don't expect anythin...

Plannin to go feedin the ducks later with apip n lyds.

Yesterday was great at fauzah's bday bbq. Batah dh nda mkn ayam madu bbq, thanx to the tukang masak duo; wafi n zul. The hot ongoing question when we got there (us 5 serumah n ani) was "ih ani, mna housemates mu yg lain?" hahahahha i knew that was comin.
But yeah, HAPPY BDAY FAUZAH n she got lots of presents. Siuk bnr ih damit2 bekawan dgn semi-adults like us; kna balikan prezen!! heheeh
Thanx to Ka May n hubbie for the party, it was a great to meet the other kentians lagi. Batah2 ani nunduk kpala ja blajar huhuhu

Can't wait for Nadz to be back also.

Jirin, not sure abt margate aite, liat dulu if this week aku blajar bnr2 heheheh

My new adidas kicks has arrived=), designed by cantwo grafitti artist-thanx for the convincing advice kee

Still deciding bila kan balik brunei...

Happy cos Lyds mite gonna sambung masters.

Kn kurus mcm c jirin* hehehehhe ah jirin ahhh

Owh yeah baru ingat, on friday we played football n it was really a competitive match. A new star is goin to rise- si Sofi, handal kli ah main defender. I scored 3 hehehhe.

And last nite i was browsin thru friendster 'PGGMB reunion 1997' n saw lots n lots of familiar faces. Some were my frens who i havent spoke with in ages and damn, they changed...ALOT!
Ada yg from chubby-chubby bam-bam jadi thin n fit, ada yg frm alim jadi dotdotdot n loads more hahahah reminiscing for a while...
I still remember the fav game that we use to play in PGGMB- BALOON!! n sori rez, ko punya pggmb bukan franchise lol

i want ayam, sapa ke asda?

Bh adang ku dulu kn blajar hehehe latersss

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