Saturday, January 10, 2009

My 22nd Bday!!

Thank you again to everyone for the Bday wishes and especially to those of you who got me presents!! I was all smile on my birthday. On my bday it was Hari Asyura :) and it snowed! We started off lunch ramai2 at Woktastic (10pounds for all u can eat sushi). If we came a bit earlier, according to the chef, we mite had the chance to eat more variety of dishes. Maybe next time.

My stack.
Yellow Fin Tuna and for some, lobster :P

Masak kari nyaman ni. Kpala ikan bh.

After lunch we jalan2 japs in the city. Everyone went their separate ways. Mus+Azrul and Kimin were one of the first to give me their presents. When everyone done 'shopping', we met at the bus stop, little did i know that Hanis was not only buying groceries, but trying to find a gift for me. Initially she asked me some questions and aku nda teklik bnrnya ia kn balikan prezzie. For a short notice, she bought me actually 2 cool stuffs! Thanks Hanis!

Went to pershore road to help Nisa carry her stuff back home. Then went to 682 to the girls' place and there they all are surprising me with Mallie holding the cake, Nisa with her camera and everyone singing the Birthday song. I didn't expect anyting to be honest. Well maybe some but im not hoping or looking fwd to anything. Krg perasan sja daku lol. But the surprise was great and the gifts were awesome!

Nawir's..Bh Rushmates bila online main?

Nisa's. Love em'. Finally the shoes that goes with my jacket.

Hanis's. Yg jeans tgh2 tu. Johnny Blaze. Comfortable brabis!

Again, Hanis's. Baju Coooool~~

Mallie's. Nukar nama th ku ni~ hahahah

Frm left to right- KaYun, Yani, Eena and Fadz. C'mon!

Azrul+Muz. Ill be doin some evilish acts after this heeeeheee

Kimin's. Best prezen c kimin ni buat semua org curious. Btw its the latest edition of Guiness World Records. Yg bestnya, its in 3D!!
For more pictures, go to my facebook. Thanks Nisa for uploading the photos!
Other gifts include the Givench Play from Tiqah which i already mentioned in my previous post and frm Huda, Jason Mraz's concert tickets!! Thank you Huda! ATu saprais ku tu heheh. Before i left the house, the girls told me theres one more otw. Apparently they design me a t-shirt. Curious jua ku tu! Nevertheless aku akan menunggu saat itu.

Again, to everyone who greeted me thru Facebook, text msgs, phone calls and even friendster, thank you very much. Tho alum smua ku tebalas tu on FB ah hehehe sabar ja. Ada ku balas tu nanti :P Now im 22.....damn~~~~~~ I wish i look like a 22 yr old boy :P.

Ani topic lain lagi. Sorry for the change of climax. By now we all know that more than 700 Palestinians died due to the Israeli attack and more than thousands injured. Yesterday's Khutbah was really2 efficient and useful. the Imam talked about how we should handle and manage this situation. Rather than us protesting and throwing slippers, why don't we trace back how did the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. handle such situations. How the Imam answered it was quite compelling and unargably true. Each one of us has our own duties, whether we're involve in NGO's or even a prayer would be sufficient. My friend did take a higher step towards the situation. Really proud of you dude. Go to this website and it'll explain everything on how to donate and give aid to those who need.

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