Sunday, August 03, 2008


Some of my friends request for my graduation pics.

I graduated with my dear coursemate syamim. She manage to get a 2.1 and as for me, a 2.2.

With my proud parents and my lovely Dia.

The Chaucer College people- my japanese coursemates, all got a 2.2.

The pics below were taken the day before. I didn't buy the robe and i could only hire the robe on the day of the graduation. The best thing was most of the Bruneians and Malaysian graduated that day. Kami tag along sja:P

My housemates.
Cast of One Kent Hill feat. Vim.

The 'must' thing.

I feel emotional after my the graduation. Its the thought of ending the days me being a student in Kent. The thought of leaving my 2nd home for the last three years. But as they say 'life is too short to think about the past'. So just move on forward and create new memories. Again, i would like to say congratulations to all graduates. A big round of applause for those who got a first class esp to Vim, Izan, Connie, Yeen, Sofinie, Salwani, and Amal. Also a special congratz to the person who showed people what he's made of- Senor Pablo, for getting a distinction for his masters. TAHNIAH EVERYONE!!

I went to Chip's graduation, the day before mine. And you know how people like to react when his/her friends or maybe their son/daughter's name are called. Well there was me, syamim, ani and jack cheering loudly everytime our friend's name was called. All heads were turning to us but it didn't matter, the locals did the same thing as well. But only one was OTT (over the top). Her son's name was called and she began to cheer gladfully while doing a dance similar to how people imitate a rain dance on the tv. What a commotion! I wouldn't want my parents to do that lol. But nasib jua my parents and Dia qued early on my graduation. They got the front row seats. How lucky. And guess who was there also during my graduation? Shebby Singh! Me n syamim went to the same class as his daughter. Congratz Tash hehehe 2.1 yaw.

To those who's going to be in their final year this coming semester, I wish you all the best of luck. It's gonna be your last ever year as a student!, provided you're nt gonna continue ur masters lh:p

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