Sunday, July 27, 2008


Finally back home yesterday. Its only my second day in Brunei n everything is amazing. After being a week in Abu Dhabi and Dubai i really feel grateful im in Brunei. Why? Cos its really hot over there! Brunei's hot weather is far better than over in the middle east, though they have winter in January. Abu Dhabi's weather was as if we we're in a big sauna, and i'm nt exaggerating. I breathe the air through my nose pun trasa bh the air atu panas. Kn minta angin pun salah2. The wind is like filter aircon ah, yg the one at the back which goes out from your wall, PANAS jua tu. And for the first time i ever felt that at night pun masih panas. You will sweat and sweat just by a 5 min walk. Good for burnin the calories down, bad to impress your first date.

So i thot its okaylah panas, as long dpt shopping cos 1 pound- 7 dirham and 1 brunei dlm 2.7 dirham. Then i was surprised food as well as clothing, is quite expensive over there. For four of us it could reach up to 100 plus dirham, and atu baru mkn restoran biasa. Clothing nya lagi bari banci. They literally times 7 the amount that shirt cost in UK (cos lots of the chops is UK base). So a band t-shirt frm virgin which cost 15 pounds will be 105dirham in Abu Dhabi. iath kn shuping ni? hahahaha Sorry im complaining too much but nevertheless aku besyukur kna bawa bejalan d sana n kna lanja hehehheheh if it was on my own llagi ku ngusut ni.

Do bear with me but i wanna ckp abt one more thing, the people. This is especially directed to SOME of the locals of ABu Dhabi and tidak kena mengena dgn org2 arab lain. I do apologize if you feel offended as what im about to say. Anyway, i find that locals quite nda syg harta esp when it comes to cars. Kreta2 nya bnyak behabuk and this is not ordinary cars- Mercs, BMW's, Porsh and Mustangs! The habuk is so thick, the colour of the car totally change. The Hummers lagi tia bejurit, pasanku mcm kreta kijang bh they treat they're hummers. And, yg paling ku sayang, when they park their sports car which is too low, they tend to hit the 'biding' and just leave it like that. Klu tani be reverse lagi ah, for them drg antak n leave it. Iath bnyak tu bumper2 drg abis ratak. HUH~

But despite all that i really had a good time over there. To Unc Hj Wali, Ak Hj Shahrin, Hj Mohd n wife, thanks for the great time. Mum n Dad went home early so i spent 2 days alone there before i got to go back home. Iath kna bawa to Burj Al-Arab and to the Palm Island. To stay in the Burj mesti save bnyak2, nya org tua jgn alang2. Buffet udh th 330 dirham per head and the massages starting price is 800+ dirham perhour, could go up to a thousand plus:S. Too bad i couldn't take a peek of the rooms. The Palm island however is still under construction. The creepy thing is the thought that you're on top of a man made island thats extended towards the ocean and you would never know what could happen. Tsunami kh, earthquake :S Naudzubillah.

Anyway people, my number is still the same *^#^**! :) Do not hesitate to bawa jln, jobless bnr msa ani.

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