Monday, July 28, 2008

I have a shop??

My sisters always fill me in about whats happening in Brunei and as now i heard the latest trend craze is if you're able to dance and do the 'shuffle'


Then she said about liquid dance (rez lupaku apa link nya ah), trance and soul which is hitting the dance floor. Owh n the shuffle dance is prefarabbly done with techno music LOL. How i wish memoirsofapoklen is still out there...

FYI to everyone, KASHFUL enterprise which is situated in Batu Satu n Kiulap Plaza is not mine! It doesn't belong to me and i don't own it. And coincidence bnr gi tu ia jual brand 'canterbury' wth. Out of all coincidence. If aku ada my own shop i won't sell sportswear. Plus if my friends dtg ada harga kawan tu hahahhaha. And not those bullshit ini ori or not. Semua brg ku simpan ori so nada org kn ngomplen2. Then free cendol on opening day. Bh adangth angan2.

But doesn't it annoy you when you wanna buy the top spec performance shoes for eg football but in the end buying the shoe yg telakap nda smpai sebulan. Sometimes these shoes could look so similar with the ori and successfully deceive the buyer. Apath inda people ended up with shoes yg bemulut buaya everytime lapas main bula. The other annoying thing is its either indian or indon going 'ini ori boss jauh order boleh discount'. Iath paling mahal tu line ujung2 ah 'Boleh discount'. Ani aku pun kana masa ku ke KASHFUL enterprise. If its my own shop nada tu yg discount2 ah, harga tetap sja. Klu harga kawan limited for my friends only. Anyway back to the topic, its like everyday is a discount-off-all-items for them. Don't they ever click that gimmick doesn't work anymore?

But i do pity some of them (the pelayan) yg kna teriaki or kna cakapi or even worse, kna bully using racist words. Then also i hate when the egoistic malays who talks like 'Ih au tawar sja tia kaling ah, mna buleh kaling pijak kepala melayu' (pernah terjadi). C'mon, think abt it. For one thing the statement is an exaggeration. Nda juakn psl tawar menawar buleh d cakap 'mijak kepala'. Then whats with underestimating the other race? Liat cermin dulu bui. Tapi bnr pulang maybe its how we are brought up. The elders does it and the kids just follow. I have an indian friend dulu in SOAS, who speak brunei malay very fluently, and still, kesian abis kna buli. Asal melintas klass lain ' Ih bila matabak ku siap ah?'. I wonder where is he rite now. According to Ali he's back in Brunei. Hopefully i bump into him.

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