Saturday, May 31, 2008

Makanan yg Lazat

I think this happens to every student.

During exams, there's a gazillion things you want to do beside studying. After the exam is over, your utterly jobless. Thats what i've been thinking when i read back my blog that hasn't been updated for a while. HUH~

The holidays has been good though. Watched Iron Man yesterday. Dia thought it was better than Transformers. I disagree. I think problem with Iron Man was there's not lots of action. Nevertheless the graphics and armor cool berabis. Went to Ashford designer outlet after that and got myself a new pair of shoes cos the one i was wearing at that time bubus. Banjir dalam kasut ku.

Now we have a PS2 at our place so main Guitar Hero 3 sja. To Atiq, Ali n Rez, aku finally dapat "Through Fires and Flames"!! WOOHOOO thanks guys hahahaha i kno if c ali around gtaunya tu bila merah kalip2 n suruh stapawar. Now the whole house is addicted to GH3. C jul paling progressive i must say. Apa inda pagi ptg practice.

I just realized after looking back at my pictures from my first year up until now, every summer of each year i gain weight. Bnrth msa exam atu. The only thing you do is eat study sleep. You wanna do a bit of exercise but you would be afraid that you're going to be tired and ending up not studying at all for the exams. I can say i am gaining a few kilos myself this year despite planning to be fit. Football has been my way to get fit for the summer. Bukan plg fit smpai show off six pack. I only have one pack aka 3 beladar.

This is Yin. Connie is holding the two eggs and shes making us her famous cadbury Brownie.

Menjadi jua~~~ Best brabis. If ada ice cream lagi nyaman ni.

This is my Creamy Brocolli Chicken. The UBDian girls ask me to cook for them. Syukur menjadi that night. Was a fantastic dinner.

Here we have my newly favourite breakfast, Pancakes!! Menjadi dh my pancakes. I was out of honey so i used Kaya, Nutella and PeanutButter. MmMMmmMm~~

This was served msa i was at Nisa's. It was one of the 12 cake bits of Kalel's Birthday cake. Its a dark choc cup fill with caramel cream and strawberries. Jirin was fooling around and nya "Ih kamu mesti minum mcm tea ni" since its in a choc shaped cup. I took it seriously and i never knew the cup was edible. I thought it was made of plastic and i just sip the inside and left the cup behind. Kana ketawakn ku when they find out lol.

The other night Dia and I decided to have dinner at this famous restaurant in Canterbury, Cafe Belge. Well, they won best restaurant for the South East Region. So we gave it a try. They're famous for thei mussels but since both of us were really hungry so we ordered something more fufilling. Below is mine, Sea Bass Fillet Ragout. Dia ordered Seafood Platter. The food okaylah. I think it was a bit overpriced. But we're looking forward for a second time to try their "50 ways to eat mussels".

Anyway to those who still wants to buy our stuff masih bnyak ni. Tvs, radio, heater and macam2. Bh laters.

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