Tuesday, May 13, 2008

exam pt3 the motivation

Got an exam paper earlier today and by far, the toughest one. Thats four down and four more left to go. I decided to take the night off from studying, hopefully the next paper wouldn't be very difficult. Im really afraid of the next paper since it requires me to read a whole book. The book lagi extra tabal and extra paayah. HUH~ hopefully i'll survive. Last year i was too dependent on my 'study buddies' aka apip n lyds. Watching other people studying so hard makes you more motivated. Thats my way of studying. I can't study on my own. The worst place to study is my own room. Laptop dpn mata, on my right is the tv, on my left is my bed...too may distractions. Therefore i have to improvise...and move to the living room turn study area.

Peaceful innit? Tidur nyamn plg jua...
and c chip, as my partner studying in the living room.

Sometimes i study with the parkwood people, that is if ku rajin. Jauh bh hehehe. Every exam period reminds me of the days in MD. In MD i usually study in the library with my friends. Some of them cbuk check out the ladies area of the library pulang. Baru ia eksen blajar.

Then i remember a fren of mine ask me to help out his group. So we study at someone else place. Baru jua blajar sejam stgh cbuk th sudah kn masak indomee. If thats not enuff, they were like 'ih ngalih blajar ih, bh main badminton'. Apath nda belureh hahahahah. But we did work hard for it and syukur all of them pass. I think this is the consequences of studying in groups. When one starts to be lazy, others tend to follow. But UNI exams are serious business.


Lehin n Yin

Connie's idea of a 'light' snack. If i turn out fat after exams i blame on connie.
Nevertheless, by now i believe that if you study hard and give all your best, you will enjoy the holiday like no other. Its alrite, 8 more days and im done! Big plans coming up this summer. Owh to my dear friend Aizah HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Too bad im not in Brunei to surprise you;p

Taken four years ago.

Bh off to bed. Tomorrow is a new day.

1 comment:

A13AH said...

barutah ku techek blog mu ani kash.. nwy, gemuk jua aku ah.. n aku mau semua gambar dulu2 d md yg arah mu hehehe