Sunday, May 11, 2008

exam pt2 kn jadi apa ah?

First and foremost i would like to wish a happy 20th Birthday to Wani and Fadz. Its okay wani you're still look 19 and you too fadz. Thanks for the adv BBQ Bday Smash! It was a really great stress relieve esp hitting Heso de Pedro (sukati aku bagi nama ah). Sori i can't stay till late guys but thanks again!

I chatted with a lady friend of mine few days back and she told me that she wants to be a pilot. Too bad she's already been picked and given a scholarship to work somewhere else. That reminds me of the ambitions that we all were asked when we were kids. I mean in primary school i bet most of us had written alot on 'my ambition' or 'cita-cita saya' and over the years it keeps on changing.

The cliche' would be growing up being either a doctor, police, army, pilot and for those who is too creative, sultan. I remember my very first ambition, and i bet some of you know already. is to be a fisherman. Mamaku payah2 mujuk to change my ambition after reading my karangan. In reply i said 'siuk kli ah nangkap ikan d laut, jual d pasar'. Then after some persuasion i change and over the years i was thinkin to be doctor (common), police, pilot, accountant and vet.

For sure i can't be a doctor, pilot and vet (requires chemistry) due to by natural deficiency. Police aku tukar jua not sure why. I was really determined to be an accountant yet sometimes things doesn't go as plan. Now however i still haven't plan where i want to work. Theres alot of choices. Hopefully ill choose the right one. And still if kna izinkn umur panjang, and im still making money after ku pencen, aku kn jadi nelayan. Imagine going to my wife and kids 'mlm ani special, pari for dinner!'

But then again, after being three years in a foreign country, you see the opportunities they got to be that is not available in Brunei. For instance being a successful football player. I'm not saying im good in football but to watch players in the premier league, playing what they love and earning big money. Siuk jua tu? whether you're injured, in the bench or on the first team, you're still getting money, weekly, more than 10 times you could earn as an average monthly salary in Brunei. Thats why we could see the determination in young players nowadays.

Another cool work place would be one of the guys in Top Gear. You test drive sports cars, new release vehicles, supercars, f1's and other forms of transport. Top of that you still earn alot. Imagine being in a ferrari, bugatti or a mustang, test drive, make it drift or drive as fast as you can. The joy....angan2 sja nah. Its alrite, i still have my lancer....incomparable.

Well theres alot of other careers and opportunities for being here in the UK. Then again i wouldn't want to be an ungrateful student, sudahth gov tulung to pay to study abroad then move on working elsewhere...i still going to find the best job ever. At least i have a goal;p. that determines me to work hard as i could.

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