Saturday, April 12, 2008


After Friday Prayers earlier today i went to the city centre. To my dissapoinment, its raining again. Then it hailed! Theres never a day I walked out of the house and it stays dry all day. Ada once msatu, the day was bright, sunny and nearly everyone was wearing spring clothing. I think from the nature's point of view, the humans look pretty confused. Some are wearing heavy clothing, hoodies, scarves while others are just wearing singlets and flip-flops and so on. Eventually it rained later that day. From a quite warm sunny day suddenly turn into one of those rainy days in autumn. Iath nah org putih cam setaie pki singlet show off muscle, lapas atu kajar2 kli ih. Anyway clearly the weather is messed up. One time it was sunny then rain then hail then snow then sunny tia balik. Not only that fyi people back in Brunei, it snowed in April and not in December! SO you all have to quit the stereotype that snowy winter comes in December. Not anymore amigos. Yup let us all together and blame it on GLOBAL WARMING!!

I'm really hoping once i get back to Kent i want it to be spring. Best season of all. Esp when you spend it in kent. Well im not sure if the flowers are going to bloom for the second time. Clearly they're also confuse. Malu2 bunga kn blooming lagi. Huh~ i just bet its gonna be a very dull spring..Tapi im still getting my hopes up for a good one. Not only plants but animals are also confuse kli. What makes me say that is cos msa on my way from Manchester to Hull, we pass a herd of sheeps and there was no shelter for them under heavy snow! I felt bad for them...esp cos they remind me of a fren, well not directly translating my fren kesajukan...but yeah, kesian the sheeps. To the Kentians, anyone fancy the river trip when spring comes?

Okay ani baru ku teingat and its quite random but i just have to tell you guys altho its quite old news. Maybe some of you still nda tau or not aware of it. Apparently a food check, organize by the legal authorities, was going thru and checking the foods cooked in all WYWY branch in Brunei. Apparently nearly half, or more than that, had traces of PORK in it aka Babi aka Baie aka Khinzir. It happened quite recently and I was really quite shock about it. Gali ku ih, mihir2. SO to those who are not aware of this, please don't even think to go t WYWY anymore. I read this from a blog and an email sent but i forgot which blog and i deleted the email so you guys can just google it. Just for proof.

Anyway its late already, time for sleep, laters

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