Monday, March 31, 2008

Leaving the troubles behind~~

I went for the Cruise last Friday in conjunction with BSU's Brunei National Day Celebration. I was one of the choir, well, it was quite awkward at first being in an x-MS choir group, since im nt frm ms hehehe. But gt frens who introduce new friends so the experience was really worthy. I never knew i could ever sing as a choir after leaving MD. Really miss being in a choir group. I even did join my Uni's choir but eventually they ask us to sing church corals so i had to pass. Now i didn't even think twice when Jirin offered me to sing for the event. We sang the National Anthem and Tanah Airku. Heres the video. Sorry its a bit blurry. The lighting in the top deck wasn't that bright. Plus it was really unfortunate that the cables for the speaker were too short so theres no speaker for the main deck where all the students were seated, only the top deck were equip with proper speakers (thats where the main guests are). To make things worse the ship's own central speakers were pretty unreliable, giving out cracking and breaking sounds. Asked my frens whether they could heard us but they can't. Sorry guys. Anyway enuff talk. Heres the vid.

The choir group. Jirin nda nampak. Sorry dude.

and here are the photos! Courtesy of izzah, thank you zah!!

Sakai to get on the vessel.

and here it is , the Thames Princess Vessel (internet pic lol)
we have to jump and go thru from one vessel to another to reach the Thames Princess.

getting ready for the event

beautiful view from the top deck.
Lets start with whats happening inside the vessel.

The MC for the night, Hazim.

The three performers: Azam- who ended up everyone singing acapella with him due to PA system failure.
Syamimi. Lawa ia nyanyi. Too bad the people in the main deck can't hear her.

Duet Sanny and Adyn. Forgot the name of the song but nevertheless, performed beautifully.
Queuing for food.Playing charades! Team Joseph!
Sanny in action.

Hazim also participated.
The two laydees that made it happen. Zeerah n Vivi, good job girls!

This was my table n i was suppose to play charades with them but i got busy outside the ship taking pictures. They did play well, azman leading the team heheh.

The places we past by...


Big Ol' Ben.

The arcade near London Eye.

London Eye itself with the Missus.

The glow in the dark building near IMAX london.

An interesting parking lot.
Shakespeare's globe
A unique building.

HMS Belfast

Tower Bridge-the best view of the night.
Canary Wharf from far.

A friend was convinced that our event should be a party like the vessel next to us. lolI've never been on a cruise. That's why i was so enthusiastic. But the night didn't end up as i expected. The cruise was suppose to past Canary Wharf up until the O2 Dome but we turn back right after passing Tower Bridge. It was really disappointing since in the poster it did tell that the cruise was suppose to past certain places. Maybe it was because time was running short. That i would understand. but the problem was the cruise went the wrong way right from the start after leaving Westminster pier. Instead of heading to Tower Bridge, it went the opposite way! I don't know if that was part of it course but for sure for half of the journey there was nothing to look at. Besides that and the PA problem i think the event went well. The food was good, the environment was lively and the weather wasn't so bad (it did rain earlier during the journey). There were rumors saying next year National Day Celebration will be a blast since its gonna be a silver jubilee. If im doing my masters i will definitely go. Maybe they could learn from the mistakes and improve further. Good job to the BSU Committee.

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