Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Studying abroad means you have to be independent. Whether in terms of finance, food or work, you can't live by depending on others. Your time has to be construct really carefully. I admit that my organization skills are very low. But nevertheless i would make up to the time i waste. Like for example updating my blog while im in the middle of studying for my seminar tomorrow hahahah. Well back to being independent, the issue of cooking is one big thing. Sometimes you feel like cooking a meal but then it crosses your mind that the time you spend cooking is better to be spent on studying. Then again if you don't eat eventually you'll become hungry. In this case some people take the easier option; ordering out. Im not a fan tho of ordering out, too much fat in the food ;p. Some people are willing to starve, jaga parut konon. Others might just have easy instant foods like maggi or cereals. I usually take the third option. Nevertheless if there is time to cook, i will cook.

I love to cook. Ok specifically I love to try on new recipes and foods. During my previous i do encounter some food that isn't my taste. I think the worst one was when i tried eating Blue Stilton Cheese on its own. But yeah, i like to try new recipes. From main meals to desserts, I always try on new style of cooking. My fav dish however are pastas. Lasagna and Risottos are probably the only one's i don't know how to cook. For me so far there are only two people that makes the best Lasagna, Solitude in the mall (i heard they're closing down :( ) and my lovely friend Reyhanah. Back to pastas i specialised in making Tagliatelle with creamy white sauce. At first it was only that. Then I tried it with different herbs like Oregano, Parsley and Thyme respectively. The herbs did make an impact. I think the best thing to add, in any type of Pasta is Schwartz's Spicy Italian herb mix. This is like the secret recipe to Pastas! But you can always use individual herbs according to your taste. Pastas like Pasta Bake and Spaghetti Bolognese are my speacialty too. Recently I found out that if you want to make your pasta spicy, add chilli powder rather than chilli sos. I always add Chilli maggi, it did change the taste a bit. Add chilli powder and it was really hot; i like. However the best spice i recommend to add if you want it spicy is Cayenne Pepper. Nyaman! Okay enough about sauces, lets go to the end product. After im done with my pasta and the sauce, i usually add Napolitana Parmesan Cheese. Parmesan does give the extra kick in your pasta. Some people prefer excessive amount of cheddar and mozarella. I however go for taste. Also try Brie on your pasta bake. Taste the difference.

There was one time in my first year i tried a combination of recipes that one would never ever imagine off. Here goes. I wondered whether its nice to fried your Spaghetti Bolognese. So i tried it. I add the noodles to the sauce (just enough sauce to cover the noodles) then I fried it with egg. Then i was thinking that theres not gonna be enough taste in this recipe. So, my creative mind was spinning around and made me add Rogan Josh Paste and Serunding to the noodles! Hahahhaha at first I thought it was weird, the colour was unidentifiable. Well, lots of colours are unidentifiable to me, screw that. Basically it was out of the ordinary. I taste eat, and actually it was really good. Call me weird but hey, i love to experiment with food. Once i tried mixing Nasi Goreng with Italian Herb Mix. Owh also you know whats good? Add Honey to your burger, mmmmmmm.

This was a normal tesco ( white sticker label) tomato and cheese pizza. Add some creativity and walaa~

But i gt to tell you my signature dish is my Chicken Brocolli with secret recipe creamy sauce. Well its not really a secret for some people hahahahha. I think i've been to various houses to make this recipe. It was thought by my first year housemate, Kirsty. She insist me of trying her cooking but I told her i could only eat halal meat. So she asked me to try and cook. Damn it was good. So big thanks to her. A friend of mine who is so obsessive with chicken ( her cupboard is even filled with chicken stock...you know who you are) asked me to mix the chicken with carrots instead of brocolli and this is especially for her lol. I would try that soon. I just find out also that tarragon is best mix in creamy dishes. HEHHEHEHEH new experiment.

Preparing the meal.

End results. The Chicken Brocolli is topped with bread pieces. I tried once blending the bread, didn't go as plan. The bread was soooo halus lol.

I also like to try new recipes. Recently i cooked Chicken Casserole, Shepherds Pie, Making meatballs and soon to be, Cottage Pie. Hopefully menjadi. Although im good with cooking these international delicacies, Im really bad in cooking traditional food. Usually I leave that to the miss heheheh. She even has her own signature food. Her Mee Jawa and her delicious Tom Yam. Now she's trying a new recipe, Mee Laksa. Hope it will be another success hun!

Lydia's Mee Jawa. The spicier the better. The first time i tasted it was with nadz, hani and apip at Serasa Beach. The day was fine but the Noodles were HOT! Laku ih org jual minuman nearby. Ada kli dlm 3-5 rounds membali minuman haahhahaha

One of those nights last year. Nadz, Ratna, Ka Cell and Apip (photographer) wanted me and Lyds to cook our signature dishes. Lydia with her mee jawa and I cooked my white pasta. Baru ia fusion! Ratna nda gi sabar ah...
Last but not least, smoothies. Yup, now i have a blender I've been mixing various fruits with various type of drinks, from fruit juices to coffee. The best yet is PeanutButter+ Honey+ Banana smoothie and Ice Blended Butterscotch Caramel Coffee. I think making smoothies is a bit of a challenge. You have to be precise with the measurements of the things you add. I've encountered a lot of failure in making the best smoothies. But still i will move on, try my best hehehhe. Speaking of Peanut Butter another friend of mine was cooking it with chicken. hrmmm i wanna try that one also, stand out from the others hahahahha. So yeah there you have it, a preview of my part-time hobby. Even my friends nominated me with a 'Best Cook' mug in my first year LOL. Before i leave this post I recommend you guys to visit Food for Thought and CupCakerie.

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