Saturday, December 08, 2007

Champions baby!

Today we played against MBSoc B for the inter league tourney

They beat us 2-0

But we still won the league. 2nd is MBSoc B. We did want to win just now. We gave our all but unfortunately the weather wasn't on our side. It was freakin cold and the wind was blowing wildly! All our passes and shots were well off target hahahha. Best part was the prize givin ceremony. Well i thought there was like a trophy and all but kna bari certificate hahahha ndapalah, jadith no.1. Congrats to the other teams as well and also the organizers. FYI, the other teams that were in the leagur was MBSoc B, Thai soc, ABACUS (Chinese and British) and Japanese soc. We won all matches except MBSoc B. This is my first time being no.1 so im really happy about it.Well done team!

Upon receivin my certificate from Mohinder Suresh, the Thai prez

The Champions.

The Prize.

Last night was Secret Santa. The theme was "dress up as the first letter of your Secret Santee". That way people can guess who ur secret santee is. Mine was ilya so i have to dress up with sum1 starts with an I. I thought of becomin the Incredibles or an Irish Guy (green clover as St patricks day) or an Iraqi terrorist. But i just come out simple and be an Imam lol. Got a text from Ilya earlier and she was happy with the perfume i gave. Guess what i got?



Thankx Wani! U read my mind really well heheheh. Really happy with my prezzie.Owh she dressed up as a keychain, creative~ Tomorrow is Chip's bday so a shoutout for my housemate, HAPPY BDAY CHIPO! Mudahan th betambah matang and stabil hahahhahaha

Chip on sugar-high.

Aite, till next time.

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