Monday, September 03, 2007

Penang final part

Today is my last day in Penang

Gonna miss the place, gonna miss my mum, miss my friends and miss the dog downstairs which howls every now and then. Tapi nda jua smua knangan manis sini ani hahaha.
Lets cerita~

Last week i went to this famous mall name Prangin Mall. Abis udah jalan2 nunggu bas lah kan balik, n there was a lot of people waiting for the same bas. After a while waiting, the bus came and semua berabut kn masuk and ada dis one guy caught my attention. He was in his 40's, wearin baju sampang n 3/4 pants and he's quite short. Stout to be precise. Well he wasforcin himself in but nda jua ia ani dpt masuk. Apa inda rmi kli kan d tulaknya atu. Then he went around and push masuk thru the person infront of me. I thought for a moment there was a chance for him to bulge in but instead undur ia balik. Then he went infront of me. Aku kesian for him so i give way...talurnya nda ia masuk. Keblakang ku ia. Suddenly my paha felt tingly so ku ampas poket ku mnatau ada insect kah apa. Then aku tarus terstrike my mind 'Shit! that guy was a thief!' n what assured me, at the end, mna ia naik bas ah. Baru ia baie nah org ah! I think his hand was half way udh, nasib jua aku react fast. If not 50rm mlayang huhuhuhu.

Owh when i was in Gurney Pllaza i passed by an artist Sapanah?
.David Arumugam!
U guys don't know who he is!? lerrr co-partner of Loga of Alleycats. Lagu femes 'sampaikan salam cintaku' heheheh but yeah, him with his Afro hair, maintain~~

Owh btw, i take back my words, Penang Laksa is NYAMAN! The one yg nda nyaman masatu bcos tukang masaknya nda cukup bahan hahahha

Goodbye Penang~

Haloooo Brunei! heheehhe

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