Monday, August 13, 2007

My life in pictures

Im really sorry for the lack of updates. Its just that internet connection is quite slow here and uploading the pics will take ages. Also im quite busy with helping my lil bro, syafiq, in preparing for his exams. i have the will to wake up early just to update this blog without any distractions from anyone! (everyone's at school)

Ok, let the pictures talk!

On thursday my mum flew off to Penang for the UBD one year abroad study program. She was offered to go to exeter in UK but she rejected it since its quite far for her from the rest of the family. Lucky for her she got another offer to penang. 5 of them were sent, 3 flew off at noon and the other 2, ryda and bibi, at 4.30. Wanna say congrats to all 5 of you esp my mum, ryda and bibi!! Good Luck with ur studies!!

Group pic b4 mum took off.

My mum's UBD gang. The only ones i kno is mizah razi and liza.

The three UBD mature students who were sent off to penang.

Yesterday me, cyah, zaidi, rina, fadz, nas, amal and nuar went to soto hj tuah. NYAMAN SOTONYA!! heheheheh yes the trip was worth it just to eat soto. Then we went to pantai Seri Kenangan. The beach now is well develop and siuk lagi tu usulnya org tido2 lepak2 under the shade. Yg cali was the trip back to bandar. We (me, cyah, rina, amal and zaidi) were using my carr and aku nda brani speeding at the tutong highway cos there were lots of lupak. So aku drive biasa2 then all of a sudden the accelerator didn't work. Takan minyak kuat2 makin slow th pulang. I was a bit panic then we decided to stop on the side of the road. Evryone except amal got out of the car. Me and zaidi were checking the engine. We thot it mite have been the gearbox since earlier we dived into a massive lupak.
Then kn ada mcm this wayar of some sort sticking out of the engine (mcm ali2 bh)
Rina ask Zaidi 'Zai apa kan tu? bukan ani yg causing the problem?'
'Bukan ih ani untuk kluar yg u kno'
Then i realise ada a clicking sound and there was a sparkjust beside the wayar tadi atu. Skali we thot and MAYBE wayar ani tecabut?
Stopped the engine, sambung the wayar carefully and Syukur baruth MAU!! LOL bagus assupmtion c zai awal2 atu hahahahahah
Syukur slamat smpai ke ubd, where all of them parked their car. Baru ia nah first time te stop tgh highway, au kn manggil towing ada kan d tunggu hahahahha
Heres some pics from yesterday

soto hj tuah at the new building


an attempt to buat muka muram

Band brunei baru, lead singer awang no.27

kn buat cover album

owh yes, this was taken at the new huaho 'mall' in tutong at the kid section, basar bh playground rg, i wish these stuff were there during my chidhood days. The only place where you can have fun with those mini plastic balls and mazes was in Sugarbun mabohai...huhuhuh
There was also a car showcase by baiduri and hyundai motors. Below is the new Santa Fe...

This Santa Fe is fully modified...look at those killer rims
How much? $6600 for 4 rims.
Tucson, also with the killer rims...

The new Hyundai Coupe...Lovely on the outside but not so much for the interior

Yesterdays outing was great. To Anuar congrats for getting into Glasgow! will be meeting u in uk! So yeah, that was quite about the latest update...llapas ani rajin2 ku ni hehehhe

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