Wednesday, August 22, 2007


This post is all about friends.

Honestly i miss my friends, most of them that is. As years past we tend to gain more responsibility, from work to family (for some) and thats what makes us 'busy' enuff to see our friends. Not only that (and im not trying to offend anyone but this is base on facts and general knowledge), some friends are now busy with their love ones. Ok wait! Before you misinterpret me, its TRUE that you should spend time with ur bf/gf and its none of mine or anyone's business to disturb but when are we gonna hangout like old friends? Sometimes i wonder who came to these peoples' lifes first, the friend or the lover. And its awesome to be loved and in love but you don't put aside your friends, right?

Sometimes i wish that im still in high school aka maktab duli. Evryone is under one roof. Every recess we would gather at the v-corner and ,as they term it, membitching. And during the md years there were different people to hang out with like the choir gang, prefects and mps, hostellites, geng dining and lots more. But now everyone is so distant. Each individual person has their own path. Some continue their studies, others prefer to have a job and get married. But isn't it great if evryone still keep in touch? or perhaps meet once in a while?

What hates me the most is when i forgot a persons name...ertiinya batah th udh alum ku jumpa kedia tu. Last time i browse through the contacts in my hp and some of them i even cant remember! Salah2 jua kan d delete.

Ada satu kisah heheheh when my mum was still back in brunei she invited her friend to come over to buat cheesecake. Coincidentally her friend is also my old friend from md. We chat and chat and seriously it does bring me back to old times...maybe we need a reunion lol...Sometimes being in uk sucks. why? cos are not updated with ur friends. One time, check my friend's friendster then jeng3 KaWin~~ atu yg payah nah udh kawin atu. Kn d bawa lepak krg laki/bini marah hahahahha. Owh! dlm kesempatan ini, YOU are invited to my wedding! hahahaha which will be dlm _ years time hehehehe.

One day i went to UBD and chatted with a couple of friends and i share my thoughts with them. They agreed and hoped that evnthough time passes by, all of us can still even lepak2 like old times. I wish for that as well....don't you?

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