Friday, April 27, 2007

Photo bloging

Exam is comin so dont expect me to blog in the next 2 weeks! wish me luck for my exam, start this comin monday bowhh!!!

Anyway i feel like photo blogging today so lets go!
We found a pathway that leads to Whistable, unfortunately it takes 2hrs to get there by feet huahuahua cam setaie kami ah hahahha
The killing machine...y? please scroll down...
Goodies from Brunei, thanxx mum!

A very big switch in Carnaby

Whats the significance?

Lawa sudah kadai atu ada tia model yg tak diundang menyamak

Feeding ducks and ducklings and jumpa...

Ikan KOI besaaaaar!

Kawan c jerry mati...he deserve it, sapa suruh mkn mkanan kami....killing machine strikes!

Also sponsored by Nike

Pengebumian KCJ (kawan c jerry) dibuat oleh Chip. Skali kan our neighbour atu tnya nya tia
'r u gardenin'
aku taku ia gali so i lied 'yeah sort of, well not really'
'well it is are u gardening or not'
'Errr No'
'so what u up to'
Ih majal org tua ani 'We're burying this mouse we caught'
Weird face by neighbour 'is it a pet?'
' No its a pest, been eating our food supplies'
Skali nda ia tahan gali so ia lari, adakah luan bnyak tnya hahahhahaha

Got from nadz place after solat hajat. Bh mesti blajar. Ndaku sabar kn abis exam ani huhuhuhu~ Bh laterss

btw my hardisk smpi dh :D)))))

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