Sunday, April 22, 2007


Assalamualaikum evryone

U know all of us have the tendency to MENGUMPAT, i admit, me myself also mengumpat n at the same time kana umpati. In the modern world people make it less sinful to hear the bad habit-from backstabbing to gossip n my fav, membitching. The famous habit of mengumpat is usually practiced by the female gender (based on general knowledge) especially when there is a gathering. In Brunei we usually see adults and elderly women during marriage ceremonies chat n chat mengumpat-ing for one topic to another.

The people who always mengumpat also gets a title-Mulut Lazer and it's quite famous where i worked dulu, Operator 151 hehehhe.

People mengumpat from time to time, neglecting the sins of mengumpat. A mengumpat is running in action when there is a very hot topic to talk about, in Brunei its usually because of whose getting married due to accidental causes, whose gay, whose marriage relationship had ended, whose getting the newest labels but pakai duit bapa, whose getting the scholarship through org dalam n the royal family (sorry to say but it's true).

So yeah, it becomes a habit for us to mengumpat, membitching or whatever u may call it. In Islam, as all should already know, that mengumpat sama seperti memakan daging saudara kamu sendiri, thats how sinful it is yet people don't really care about it...why? because people find it fun to umpat someone, its easy to commit and it's hard to believe that the sin is that big.
Its in the Quran so you just better believe it.

In the Middle East they use the advantage of media and from this commercial is where i got the aspiration to talk about mengumpat and InsyaAllah all of us can stop, if not, prevent to mengumpat. (i like the last bit...) and also to those yg kenal c ining ia kirim salam and she told me about this video, enjoy.

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