Monday, April 30, 2007


My first exam is tomorrow yet now i am wasting my time updating my blog rather than study hahahahha nadalah, this is brain relaxation. Just wanna share some stuff with the people out there.

First the earthquake incident. Yes, an earthquake hit the southeastern part of UK, with the epicentre a couple of miles in the sea near Folkestone. Syukur the one in Kent is not as big as the ones near the coastline areas. I didn't notice the equake cos i was dead asleep, as for lots of us hahahaha. The joke now for the earthquake now is kononya Ann Summers promo their newest vibrator lol. But the earthquake did make me worried, esp the people who are living in town near construction sites. Naudzubillah.

Now i am not ready for the exam, im just ready to finish it hahahahah mite as well sleep for the whole two hours during the exam....klu th buleh. Anyway i have big plans after the exams mwahahhahaha
But for now mesti blajar...i don't know why but i don't feel panic for the exams...seriously im slacking off yet im not panic-ing which leads me to nda blajar...udhth klu kn blajar my study span atu kajap2, bari ingauuuu huh~

One thing that convinces me to study hard is my mum. Shes currently a 2nd year in UBD and shes preparing for her exams and at the same time, being a lovely, dependable, reliable mum... so for me i dont have any alasan that i did buruk in my exams due to lack of study.. cos my mum have to handle more than i can think off. No pressure. Just the anticipation to kalahkan my mum mwahahhahaha.

Iath it was a funny scenario when i was in UBD before blayar to UK. When my mum talks with me and tagur apa, my fren thought shes my kaka, or aunt, or my mature student fren (hrmmm?) n when i told them shes my mum they wud have their jaws drop giving the chance for the flies to get into their mouth and have a picnic. So eversince my mum moves into UBD, she is well known as 'Mama c kashful'. And she fren2 with my prens, MOST of my frens that is. Also eversince masuk UBD, her darah muda kembali semula. But thats only in UBD, back at home she becomes my mum again. Dual personality.

And its kind of ironic for her dulu to teach me 'Blajar bnr2 n jgn kn miss ur classes'
well ada cetanya tu...back in the summer im the one whos fetchin my mum from UNI so one day i went to UBD awal to catch up with my frens, i was in the PC labs and i bumped into her. So i ask
'Bu, ibu nada class kah?'
'Au ada class English, ni pukul 4 ah'
Look at my watch. 10 to 4. 'Bh kn pkl 4 jua ni, d mna class ibu?'
'Em malas ih kn masuk. Sma jua professor nya kluar awal, lapas stangah jam lari tia tu...iath escape sja'
Buleh mamaku ah, kn escape class hahahahahha so i ask her to masuk klass to give me time to spend with my frens. She did masuk.... and kluar awal hahahah rsa wah my mum ani malasnya ahhhh- Mum if u reading this, ur anak tua yg hensem ani still loves u! hehehehhehe

Yes my mum is an inspiration to me. But my Dad would probably be the biggest influence.

The famous word phrase that he always share with me...a dozens of time esp before exams
' Apa guna ngaleh2 blajar d brunei for 15 years (Kg1-Upr 6) but at the end nda kna antar blayar?'

Hhhahahahah i kno this sounds a bit kasar esp for people who are still studying in Brunei but i think what my dad meant is for people who work their ass off. And that goes to him. He was sent to UK for his Graphic Designing degree and studied in Croydon , then London. So kiranya im the one whos continuing his legacy lah. Goes to my mum also. She was sent by brunei gov to have a diploma, studyin in London Elphant and Castle. My dad alwez sez to me 'Au ayah dulu no1 sja wah dlm klass'
Probably all dads does this hahahaha
But yeah, slaluuuu th tu...ujung2 nda jua ku pcaya hahahha but then...ada th ku tjumpa this book, a very old book, opened it on in the very first page it says 'to Mohd Norzairi for achieving first in class for form...' lupaku form brapa but that book did change my perspective of my dad.

From PCE, PMB, O-Levels and A-levels, i always compare my marks to that of dad's and mum's. So far, i beat em all hehehehhe n now, im giving the challenge to my brothers and sisters, who had come close but haven't entirely beat me mwwahahahhaha but i kno they eventually will, i have faith in them;p

Now im just hoping that my lil bro is getting to Canterbury College, my sister in stpri will do well for her O's, my sister d PDS doing well for her PMB and my lil bulat bro for his PCE, major exams i tell u! So in the family ada 5 facing exam2 basar. One big stress-exam family hahhaha.

So now, i have to study! 2-1 Kashful! Amin! and good luck to all of u out there. Good luck to u mum! n to all of u if inda tjawab sabut ja Kashful 5 kali
Bh Assalamua'laikum.

To Lyds, adang liat ANTM, YahooTV and main DinerDash heheheh luv u babe!


Mohammad Khair Al-Hazirin said...

COOL!! Your dad's a graphic designerr!!!!! hehehe

Kash said...

yup yup he is