Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Off Tempo

So i stayed yesterday at the library from 5 at LEVEL 4 computer room. I was typing down my East Asian essay. The motivation and energy was there. The vibe was strong and the feeling to finish the essay till the library closes at 3 was there theeeeennnnnnnnn the library guy came in at 9.40pm and announced " This lab will be closed in 10mins guys, the power will be shutt off"

I swear evryone was cursing about it and i thought this only apply to all the labs but Freakin NO! its only for level 4 computer labs!! I didn't have the mood to continue to type my essay. Lagipun it the labs was full. I went home thinkin that the mood will come back to me but instead i slept lol.

I woke up at 10am. Had an early lunch so that i can get back to the library but my eyes felt drowsy so i slept again at 1. Woke up by various phone calls. Vim asked me to get the society's money and Tash asked me to book shirley barlowe. I was on my way to campus so i didn't mind. Went to kent union at 4, met Phillipa and she shot me sayin 'owh the finance office only open from 1 to 3.30'. Thats one hell of a short period of time to open the office N i thot it was till 4.30 huh~

Then i went to Eliot to book Shirley Barlowe. The Master's assistance was nice but she also gave me another shot tellin me the rooms evrywhere in the college is not available since theres gonna be a conference. I bet its all the same for rutherford, darwin and keynes. The weather forecast for saturday is showers btw. I checked several trusted websites like bbc, yahoo weather nd so we are in need for shelter. The houses in my list are Hani's, ChengYee's or, last resort, mine. Just berdoa mudah-mudahan the weather will be sunny, amin.

So anyway enough of that let's talk about something else, CARS. Everyone has a dream car and i mean it, everyone. If You don't have a dream car than you're no one. Mine is quite in the middle of impossible and possible. It's impossible is because its not in the market in Brunei (in Uk it's sold for £35k) but possible cause i really want it so badly. The car is Ford Mustang Gt Shelby 2007 edition.

I first saw it when i played Need For Speed Underground 2 and the moment i lay my eyes on it i fell in love with it. Ahhh~ aren't dreams nice hahahha n just an overview on how it performs, take a look on this commercial. Funnnyy~

To get a full review about it, watch this documentary from Top Gear

Once i have my hands lay on it i'll change the damn antique suspensions, equipped with full body kit to perofrm better aerodynamics, tune-in engine to get a better fuel consumption, high power quality and ,hopefully, environment friendly. If possible minimising the roar of the engine cos i love smooth quiet cars. Not to forget the sound systems and this has to be equipped professionally, not like the typical one's in Brunei where the vibration from the noise makes your car and the one beside you tremble. The sound system also will not eat up most of the space in the boot. The rims will be change to a 17' or 18' chrome. A paint job is a must but that'll be in 5-6 years time when the paint is running off. Yup, mcm kaya sja aku ah lol but yeah, dreams~ Why is there no Brunei 'Pimp my ride version' huhuhu

The only problem with a car like this is the permit for you to drive it in Brunei and the expenses for it's body parts when the car broke down. Also you'll attract so much attention which is not really good, tau th krg tu ada si pemugut, mna gi yg sakai eeeh bari sasak. Recently the vandalisers was going to a new extent, they cover a kampong ayer lady's car with paint remover...and the car is 6 month's old! kesian jua tuu~

Its 6.09pm now and i better get goin with my essay, wish me luck people, and to my mum, Hjh Fatimah Hj Talip and my dad, Hj Mohd Norzairi Yahya... HAPPY B'DAY!! lah i don't have their pics, krgth mengupload udh d rumah heheheh. There's gonna be an entry for u two!! Wait for it heheheh bye~