Sunday, March 25, 2007

It was a friday and i stayed in the library till 8 since after solat Jumaat. Did half of my essay which i seriously don't have any interest in and on top of it i have to get ready for brunotts. We were leaving at 3am the next mornin.

I decided to get my food ready early and i didn't know why but felt sleepy. Usually i slet at 2-3am but i was sleepy at 12am. So i thot i could get some rest. The moment i opened my eyes after a quick snooze i saw the clock, it was 2.17! n i promised to meet up at rutheford at 2.30am hahahahahha jump outta bed n prepare myself. Good thing the bus hasn't yet arrive when we finally got to rutherford.

It was 3 and the bus hasn't come yet. I was worried the bus wouldn't show because of the hassle i went thru t get the bus. The next thing you know theres this mini bus with a big 'CROSSKEYS' paint. The bus was the size of a Ford Transit. But it was a mercedez and it was freakin fast.

The driver ddn't go below 100km/h in the highway and we reached notts at 6.30am! with one stop! We were the first ones to arrive and to our bad luck, the sports hall hasn't open yet. We were freezin outside the hall and luckil the bus driver didn't mind s stayin in the bus. So some of us, like me, stayed in the bus and tiduuuuur; others wet to the indoor swimming pool to 'cuci mata' lol.

I woke up at 8am and there were a number of people in the entrance of the sports hall. Im glad it pened already and i met my cuz Ka Fetty who studies in Glasgow. Towards the day i met some old friends and some friends yg batah dh nda jumpa. I met Shauqi's gal, the geng in london, Zaidi, Nizar, Bash and lots more. Thats why i love Brunotts, its kinda like a very big reunion for the bruneians. Our footie game wasn't bad either 1 win 3 draws n 1 lost. The last game was the best one. Ouropponents was wearin the US jersey and we were wearin the England Jersey. So we play the match as if it was the world cup, from entrance to finish.

Iman wasn't doin bad also. He got 3rd in Squash. We decided to leave early so we left at 4.30, not waiting for the games to finish. Thinking that the bus will b as fast as earlier in the morning, we ssumed that it'l reach kent at aroun 8 or 8.30pm. Bad luck strikes when the m25 was closed. It was 4 big lanes clamed into 1. The traffic was disastorous. Even when we had finaly left the traffic, the driver was to have a 45min rest (accordin to the co. law). Then we were quite lost and the driver have to stop evry petrol station to ask for directions. We arrived canterbury at 12am. What a day~

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