Monday, September 01, 2008


I just got back from mameh and i must say tonite is one memorable nyte. I was hanging out with my cousin and after an hour we decide to head back home. I swear i thought i have money with me but sudah ku buka wallet ku kusung behabuk. Asked my cousin for a bit of money but he was dry out too. He asked me to drive to the nearest ATM but i dont know how to use manual (batah dh bh ngambil lesen atu). So mau nda mau i just give my atm card to him. Iath beserabut utak ku wah slajur what would happen to us. Cuci pinggan? Simpan dlm buku? adakah lupa usin:P. Lesson learnt- pandai2 th mendrive kreta manual.

Earlier today however was a different case. I went to MOE to notify them about my offer from Birmingham University. I always hear complaints from people esp parents on how the kerani over there treat parents and students. Im not applying to all of them, just most of them:P Well pokoknya aku knalah jua today so that makes me one of the complainers. Anyway, 5th floor scholarship section in MOE theres a glass barrier where one side is the keranis' office and the other side is where parents and students stand. Usually student talks to kerani and both will be just inches awah from the glass barrier. Nt too far and not too close smpai teimpit idung ah cramin atu. So there was I standing normally like other people while the kerani who i talked to was just sitting behind her desk and answers my question. She was just a few steps away from the glass barrier, apa salahnya bediri an come closer. But she took the other option; remain seated and both of us talking loudly so both could listen each other from a distance while she clipped her nails. Klu membuat kraja baik lagi. ANi memutung kuku wh and i find it was quite rude of her when she was still talking to me tapi nda menuleh and membelakangi. Temeng bh. Muha nya ani sebiji gi marungnya. Pasanku bepuluh2 udh iklan d RTB atu balik2 ckp psl sopan and sabar and bla3 abt public services. Sah ia ani meliat astro th nganya.

Im really happy this year im going to spend most of Ramadhan in Brunei. Sungkai kna sediakan, trawih sng and sahur pun kna banguni. Nikmat. To all Muslimin and Muslimah, Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa. Jgn lupa niat; rookie mistake to forget niat on the first night of Ramadhan.

Quote from my sis -'Yay puasa nda payah takut'
me- 'takut apa?'
'iblis kna jail'

Alrites i wanna sahur dulu. Have to wake up all the sleepyheads.

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