Monday, August 18, 2008

Expired goods

The waiting game is again ON!

Right now im still waiting for the scholarship results whether i will be given the opportunity to pursue to the next level; doing my masters. As, well, all of my friends who already work say, if you still have the will to study, then just continue your studies. Yes i believe thats true tho. I did give a think what if i don't get the scholarship? Am i gonna work? The thought was quite scary in a way that i couldn't put in my head that ill be sitting behind a desk fill with stacks of paperwork and have an actual job. My mindset is still living the student life:P Anyway about masters, a lil birdie said the results will be out this Wednesday, wish me luck!

I was at HuaHo Kiulap earlier with my sisters dgni bali staitonery. I was bored waiting so i read some magazines. Then there was one section where all english magazines were put. From the surface it does look like no one is interested in buying these magazines. Be ampaian apa bh. Then there were one or two magazines that were out of date like it was last April or June issue. U kno, i thot that would be acceptable for some people, like me. I don't mind buying a car magazine thats like 4 months old sudah. What could happen in 4 months? Nda jua kn kreta pki minyak klapa sawit bejalan. Well i was quite shock the extent of how long they have been keeping these magazines especially when i saw a 'STUFF' (Electronic gadgets) magazine on its own. It dated October 2005!! WTH?! that was 2 months from now, 3 years ago! No magazine deserve that. Then when i had my dinner i was watching tv and there it was the ad for the IHPE halal expo being shown. The halal expo finished yesterday and masih drg liatkan this ad?? Seriously they could fill in the 'ad slot' with something else other than an expired info that could only bring peoples' hopes up.

Nuthin much tho heheh.I'm gonna be away from 20th-25th. Goin to KL with my sister and cousins. Kita mau makan hangin YAYZZ. Leave u guys with a video. This is in someway amazing yet scary:S

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