Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Old Laydeh of jln Berangan

During my past summer holiday in Brunei, i became a driver. Drive my brothers and sisters to tuition and schools and fetch them back. Well i did tell my family that 4.30pm-7pm is 'Kash's time' so during that period im forbidden to be disturb its my relax/main bula time. So yeah, i assume that all of you are the same right? I think its so common among us, its just like a phase we have to go thru right after we got our license. For some people, before they even got to the age for a license. Anyway kn becrita saya.

My lil sister goes to tuition at the famous teacher Mr. Jaya. Come on, sapa jua nda knal Mr Jaya of Jln Berangan. Anyway he's this famous Maths teacher that students have faith on. So every week around 4pm i fetch my sister from her tuition place anikan. As approaching towards the main road theres a cross road, contol by traffic lights. SO from my car's position to my left is pusat belia, my back is Chung Hwa, straight on is Lapau and my right is this old chinese lady left alone selling veggies and fruits! (far right is sheraton tho). Okay this Old ( around late 60s-70 maybe?) Chinese Lady is sitting with kerusi bangku near the traffic light and selling veggies and fruits that had been prepared earlier and being put in individual plastic bags. She will make her move once the traffic light turns red. She will go to each car, knocks on the window and ask with a gesture to buy her stuff. I usually just smile and make a gesture saying 'No thank you'. She usually smiles back, if she had a bad day she'll frown. The frown exaggerates with the keradut skin tho, joking2 no offence to org tuha, well if there is one who's reading my blog tho who i guess would not ngakun ia tua ;p. Anyway back to point.

The worst case scenario is the person who opens his/her window or door to this old lady just to give the expression of 'Owh i think im interested in buying your stuff, let me check first'. The old lady will never give them the easy option, she usually halt them down and force them to buy her stuff. Through several encounters and observations, i think this is her grand strategy->

She will persuade person to buy.

Person says 'No' while door/window still open.

And guess what? traffic light changes to Green!

Old lady won't give up so the person who was put on halt could either:
1. Buy the stuff
2. Wait for another turn if the light turns back to red....and still have to face the old lady.

The problem with the second option is also the long queue of cars behind the victim. So usually people take the first option or in an easier case, people donate to the old lady. So there was one time, after the old lady do the same old routine and me with my 'honest' smile, she move to the car behind me and all of a sudden the light changed to green! I zoomed off and the car behind me can't do anything hahahahah. I was looking through my rear view mirror and bida bh mua the person behind my car. If i recall i could swear he was moving his mouth, maybe cursing me hahaha malasthku gagau, eat my dust!

I wonder what happened to the old lady. Seriously if you guys are about to head out from Jln Berangan and going towards Mabohai or Lapau, you can't miss her, waiting patiently for the traffic light turns to red. Sometimes i really pity the old lady. Shes old and left alone beside a very busy and dangerous road selling vegetables and fruits. Dalam atingku apa punya anak ninggalkan mamanya cemani ani kan? But at the same time i gave a thought i can't judge a book from it's cover. Usually i wouldn't want to be approach so i often run through a red light.

The moral of the story- Remain shut in your car.
Advantages are for cars with deafening loud stereos and/or full-tinted windows.

Speaking of old lady approaching cars, remember the cerita hantu once aired in RTB. the one with the old lady menjual bunga tangah malam...eerrieeeeeee, the only you thing you get here are drunk bastards walking like zombies.

annndd a Happy Belated B'day to ATIQ! Sorry lupa dude! bh laju2 balik kemari, i need lepak session at ur place hahaha.

Off to lala land~

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