Saturday, March 15, 2008


Sorry for the lack of updates people, now im in Cardiff visiting my friends over here. Earlier today i went to the city and watch a movie. Decided to watch vantage point. Great movie indeed if you're planning to do some terrorist stuff. Should give it an 8.5/10. Met faye after that and played poker with her housemates and other friends. I was on the verge of winning but me and BN were late to go to Rijal's place, so last play all in. Chips ku mcm LA dh, c wafi mcm New York but slowly rubuh uleh terrorist lol. One of faye's housemate has the same glasses as me. Surprise i must say. She even bought it in Miri, same as me, but the place was different hahaha. Owh to faye and the people who were there when we took the pic, my head and BN's were cut off!! hahahahahha bida usulnya!

Then we went to Rijal's place. Had nasi goreng cornbeef with buttermilk chicken and veges. Nice~ and while eating we were watching predator (1987) Classic YO!! How funny it was back then that all the heroes must be muscular and i just notice, predator was using nettings for his entire body! We were making fun of the film but turns out it was amir's childhood fav movie. He was being defensive abt it hahaha nadabah mir. Now im at BN's place, having coffee while doing some research for my next essay. YUP. Its due on wednesday so have to prepare a lil bit.

Then i heard already abt the society stuff back in Kent. To you me friends seriously, just relax heheheh its not the end of the world. As long we have good intentions InsyaAllah, nuthin bad should come out of it. Now that reminds me of what happened earlier during friday prayers. Just after the khutbah Jumaa't and before the prayers, a local guy name Paul converted to Islam. It was really a mix of emotions for me. Seeing it live just...speechless. Anyway back to the kent stuff, InsyaAllah i will try my best to help to straighten things up without doing some 'unnecessary' damage. Like rez said, chill sja. I hope after this no ones gonna be hatin no one. Wait, shit, that reminds me of Malibu's Most Wanted "Don't be hatin me y'all" lol. Funny movie. Soooo just chill+ relax = chillax :P. Anyway tomorrow ill be headin for cardiff bay. So far cardiff has been wonderful, except the rain, yet wonderful. The place is great and the people are really friendly and BN pndai masak:) ... n ayam nya murah, bnr ngangkut ayam ku ni hahahah bekarih~

My bro is comin down to kent this sunday, same time as lyds so im really excited. Having some company in the house hehehe. Owh n abt the news of allowance is gonna be raise, well, the budget has already been approved by LegCo n its gonna be effective this April. The news didn't specify anything so not really sure if its really for MOE. Hopefully it is n HOPEFULLY, as the rumours spread, April is the month the allowance will be raise up to 20%. AMIN!! If naik allowance i will lanja everyone in Kent.... DREAM ON! hahahahaha klu naik four digits mnasja.

bh, off to research~

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