Saturday, March 08, 2008

3 years~~

Smlm was a great nyte. Spend friday nyte at Jirin's n Apip's place. Well, arh apip lah heheheh. To Lina n Melo, thanks for the food, it was really great, its been a while aku mkn mkanan brunei heheh. Last nyte jua kmi sakai main guitar heroes. Siuk! Im lookin fwd to use my pinky finger next time Lina hehhehe. Then we made a video for sum1, bt nt till next post cos msani in process uploading it in Youtube.Later on the nyte, well, lets just say there's nothing to do no more and some people are desperate to kill the time hahahahha. Ah jirin ah, n erman hehehe.

Today nuthin much happen. We played footie against the chinese soc earlier. Most of the key players are in london for the Brunei Night. But keepin our heads high n being optimistic, we manage to hold them until the last secs of the first half. We lost 1-0. Well better than last week when the Jap soc beat us 6 to 2. Most of us were quite upset with the ref tho. There were lots of foul made by the chinese soc, n no free kick given. Next week our match against the Thai soc will be postponed due to nearly evry1 goin for Brunotts.

To think abt it, easter hols are getting nearer, meanin exams are just around the corner. How i wish my studies here could never end. Well I am gonna take my masters but im just thinkin what 'if' nda dpt? Its gonna be my final year. I don wanna kraja awal..huh~ I think 3 years in UK is one of the best years in my life, teachin me to be independent bt at the same time enjoy life. I still remember durin the first few months when I studied here in Kent University...I thot i was dreamin lol. Before this all i gt to do is go to UK exhibitions and wander off that ill be studying in one of the Uni/College leaflets i've taken. Plus for me being very pessimistic at that time doesn't really help. Syukur i gt the scholarship bt nw, this year, its gonna end. Quite sad actually. 3 years just past by in an instant. Now im seriously gonna work hard for my exam to get Masters! I don't want it to end. Not this year. Not when next year Atiq Rez Ali Wani n Farah gonna get our place n turn it into an arcade lol.

Speakin of Kent Uni, over 3 years, the UNI kept on evolving. New parkings, new residence, frequent bus times, bar modifications, takeway/delivery services, Up to date technology (computers and flat screen panels), Theatre and Cinema renovations and the list goes on... It just shows where the money the Uni gain goes to. I think the next best thing for the Uni is a bigger Gym and more facilities in the sports hall. It would be sad if they build a swimming pool arena next year, ndath ku smpat. Not a big fan of clubbing but recently the organizers for the Uni's Night Club has bring in Big names like Sisqo, Soulja Boy and soon to be Bobby Valentino! Sudah my final year baru tia kn dtg huh~

Then over the three years, the community also changed. It was really hard to find halal products in my first year. Once i ask why they didn't put the halal sign on the window. The owner answered that the locals might not understand and business will not run smoothly. Now the halal sign is everywhere! No more unsureness! Kebab shops, grocery stores and even the big stores (ASDA), syukur theres halal meat. I still remember durin my first year dlm sbulan brapa kli nganya mkn ayam. Atupun tunggu if ada supply dri masjid lol. we will buy the meats in bulk cos takut nda ampit. I think if theres a halal butcher shop complete ni kent ah heheh but I am syukur for what there is.

No i dont want this to end. At the same time, i'm missin home...

Below, a pic of the Beribi Shox, the basketball team im in. The big guy with the shiny cap is my cousin, also the coach.
Ooo i miss the beach too hehehe. I was suppose to drift bt jeng3.

Modop ku dulu

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