Monday, February 04, 2008

Passion of the game

I was playing footie yesterday with my friends in parkwood. I admit from my game in first year i have improved quit gradually. However i'm far behind compare to the others. I still can't get the hang of shooting the ball with power and accuracy. My dribbling is as bad as a lame joke. I might sometimes pull off a good one but thats kalok. Consistency is important. So yes back to yesterday it was just nt my day. I had dozens of chances but could only score once. Pathetic i must say. Yet my friends didn't make it any better. It was a joke to them. My mental sprang out a bit. Pressure clouded my mind. In the end i couldn't even score with the best chances. This had happen a lot of times before. Then another team (locals) asked us to play against them.

I wasn't prepare to be humilated. Not by other people but by my own self for playing badly. So i calmed down n played as a keeper. I did let in 3-4 goals but my team was still winning. Then i thought i was ready to play my usual position. Striker. I gt the chances again but nw i try to remember everything that has been taught by a good friend of mine. I kept my cool and promised myself that i have to proof that i could do better. In the end, i played better than the first match. I realised after the match, it wasn't only my mentality but the feelings of being degraded. I could take on heavy criticism. trust me. I had been through alot of it. But being laughed and joke about on how you play doesn't help improving one's ability. Football is my passion. Same goes to basketball. I couldn't let people joke about my passion. So i have to prove them wrong. I want to be better. No matter how much it takes. The sky is the limit. I always been criticise by a friend of mine. The best part is he also teach me where im lacking. I owe him big time.

I did post a long time ago abt my football idol, Zidane, and i wanted to play like him. InsyaAllah i will achieve my goal. I think the biggest step is losing weight. Thats a whole new chapter to achieve. Not impossible tho.

Moral of story- Keep your cool and play your game. Don't let others get in between.

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