Saturday, January 19, 2008

the wonderful holiday- Part 3

I better finish what i started so here are the rest of the pictures from the trip :)

We went to Vatican City on the fourth day of our trip. Since the vatican museums closes early, we went there first, hoping to see the famous talk about 'Sistine Chapel'. The picture below was one of the hallways leading to the sistine chapel. Its decorated by frescoes, paintings and sculptures. Reaching the sistine chapel was very frustating because it was a really long walk and there were signs everywhere leading to the chapel as if the next door was it. When we reach the chapel we were quite dissapointed in it. Maybe psl kami ngaleh atu kli. We were hungry and tired and can't even bother to go to the Pinocoteca where all the paintings were kept.

After the museums we went to the square, St. Peter's Square to be more exact. The square was massive and there were screens everywhere bakas sambut new years. Lydia and I decided to climb up Michaelangelo's dome. Total was 550 steps. We decided to take the lift but that only cuts off 200 steps. We have to endure the remaining.

At one point we were actually walking slanting like this! Scary. Not for the faint hearted.
Finally reaching the top after climbing spiral stairs and walking through narrow hallways. The view from the top was breathtaking. Below is the Il Vittoriano building.
And here is Castel San't Angelo

This is the view of the St Peter's Square from up above. Notice the square is 'watched' by 140 saints (statues).

The view of the Pantheon from far.

From Vatican city we planned to go to San't Eustachio, a gran caffe. Arguably the cafe that makes the best coffee. On the way there we past Piazza Navonna. Below are two of the fountains in the Piazza. One of them, not sure which one, appeared on Dan Brown's Angels and Demons, representing the element of water.

There was a market going on and there were games! One of the games offers you a psp or a mobile and lots of high tech stuff. The grand prize was a mini motorcycle. Imagine klu aku manang. Au payah beangkut ke uk balik lol.

We got hungry so we tried to find a place called Lo Zozzone, a pizzeria mention in our book that serves of the best pizza bianca. So we ordered tuna. It was really good. A new kind of pizza.
After we had our meal, we proceed on the search of San't Eustachio. AKhirnya terjumpa and there was ALOT of people queuing for the coffees. Lydia and I ordered cappuccino. All i can say is its the BEST cappuccino i ever tasted. Very smooth and rich. Highly recommended if you guys are coffee lovers.

After we had our drink we thought we might checkout the nearby tourist attractions. Though by now our shoes were soak wet because the rain is pouring non-stop. We decided to go to the Pantheon. Below is the tomb of Raphael.

And this is the hole where they say the building is connected to the heavens. Well water was dripping tho sice it was raining.

Here lies Italy's first king, Victor Emmanuel II

After the pantheon we went to Santa Maria Sopra Minerva. This is Rome's only Gothic Church. Below is Michaelangelo's famous statue Christ Bearing The Cross.
I dont know what this is but the amount of detail in the sculpture really amazed me.
And ani lawa jua.

The next day we had another visit to Piazza Navona. Saja kn jalan2 n we bought this Italian style donut. They make it really BIG.
It was the last few days so we decided to search for the Gelateria that makes the best Gelato. According to our book, a place called Gelateria Della Palma serve more than 100 choices of different types and flavours of ice-cream. Awal2 nda ku pecaya but once we reached there, and i counted, it was more than 100. You have three choices, either gelato, thick mousse or ice-cream made from soya. Below was Lydia's gelato made of meringue, short biscuit and chocolate. Nyaman!

This was taken on our last day. We decided we should go to spanish steps. On arrival ada this guy came up to me and ask whether im Malaysian. I denied and sai im a Bruneian. So he began to chat with me as if he was making a documentary and wanted to work in Brunei. He asked lots of stuff and from his looks his not like those who wanted to trick or steal from you. Pokoknya bisai caranya bepakaian. Well after a while he asked me to point my finger at him. He then took to coloured threads and start to make a bracelet out of it using my finger as a holder. He said that this will bring me goodluck and bla3. He asked if lydia's my gf and i said yes. So he made Lydia one. He was acting all nice and stuff and i thot "Well he's a nice fella so if ia minta duit pun maybe paling2 5 euro". Its our last day in Rome and we have a bit amount of money left so oklah. Sekali he said to us " ten five ten five". I didn't understand neither do lydia. Then he began to show the money in his wallet. Basically he wanted us to pay. Lydia gave him 20 euros. I didn't want to take out my wallet. Might as well pay Lydia later. Then after Lydia gave the 20 he said ten ten. So lydia gave another 10 euros hoping that he will give back the 20. She was wrong. He kept the thirty and wanted 20 more! Pokoknya, the 'Lucky' bracelet cost 25 euros each!!! WHAT A FREAKIN RIP OFF!! I was furious at that time. I asked lydia to stop giving him money. Instead i was arguing with him so that he would give our money back. I told him that we needed money for taxi tomorrow for our trip to the airport. I managed to get back 15 out of him. I didn't want to push my luck cos these guys work in groups and im afraid that we were being followed. After he gave the 15 he left and told us 'Usually i charged 25 each but for you my frens from Brunei i give discount price'. DISCOUNT PRICE MY ASS!! The guy who approached me is the 2nd from right. Btw below is the view from the spanish steps. Seriously that guy ruined my day.

From the steps we headed to Castel San't Angelo. Below, taken from the Ponte Umberto I Bridge. In view is Michaelangelo's dome at St peter's and the Ponte San't Angelo, the official bridge to the castle The three central arches are original. Bernini added the 10 angels during the 17th century and the bridge was also famous for public executions during medieval times.

The Piazza dei Tribunali.

Castel San' Angelo.

One of the angels.

This is how the beggars look like in Rome. Dorang sujud completely to the ground and infront is a can of coins.

During our last night in rome, Lydia and I had our dinner at the Village Roma's restaurant. I ordered a calzone. It was really good. Mozarella cheese flow out the moment i sliced it open.

Lydia ordered a tuna pizza. Common. Hahhahahah nadawah. Nyaman jua. Still think that venice makes the best pizza.

The next morning we took the bus from our hotel to the nearest metro. Then used the metro to the destination yg paling ujung. Then from there an express bus awaits us to transport to the airport. Once we reached the airport we checked in and waited for the call. Then we were surprised that there was a verrryyyyyy long queue infront of us. At first we thought that it was people checking in. Rupanya thats the queue for the people to go through the metal detector! I never seen so many people queuing to go thru the detector. Queue nya ani smpai melilit2 bah. Pisan. Syukur we arrived UK selamat. On our trip jumpath lagi the best scenery.

It was great. One of the best holiday experience ever walaupun kana tipu hahahahah. Bah adios.
Tidur ku dulu.

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