Monday, January 28, 2008

Pre-Linkin Park

Watch out for the next post as it will be on the Linkin Park concert tonight. Im really excited abt it. To Lehin, sorry dude lupaku gtau ko! There'll be plenty of pics and hopefully i can minimise the size of the videos so that i can put it in the upcoming post. My bus will be in 3 hours time. Makan apa dulu.

Talking abt makan im really craving for Kolo Mee and Char Quey Tiaw (Penang Style). Huh~ living in Uk does has it's downs. Owh also im craving an early morning breakfast makan Murtabk Talur K.K. Koya in Telisai. Campur kuah kicap n kari, i like it that way. Tais liur ih~ Owh well, next time i go there minta resipi ja, pandai2 buat sini. There was one incident during my first year in Uk. At that one point i was really craving for murtabak. Not those the one in packets, i mean the real one where you slap, tose and slap again. So my friends and i went to Nahar, a malaysian restaurant near B.Hall. And there it was, murtabak on the menu and it was 3 pounds if im not mistaken, or probably more than that. It was quite a rip off tho if you convert it to Brunei dollars but finding murtabak itself is hard so quite resonable lah. I ordered it. Excited udah ni. Udah smpai my order apanah? Murtabak yg dlm paket bah. That waitress had ruined my day. I was so dissapointed but apa bleh buat, mkn sja tia. Klu ku tau baik ku bali sendiri.

Alright, i have to go now. LP baby!

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